“I’m sure you have humans”

Are our children really a disease?


Yoga for “Mother Earth?”

Sustaining the planet through downward facing dog


“Born in trash”

This is just all kinds of disturbing


20 years ago Greenpeace scaled the Cristo Redentor 

and hung a banner in defiance of law

Today the Greens have the power to simply order Christ green





Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes

and Crimes of Aggression…. Ecocide?

Ready for war crimes trials for business executives

and free world heads of state?


Can’t argue —  Let’s decide on a constructive tomorrow


“Think of the Children!”

Which system would you bet on to provide a clean neighborhood for these kids?

We’ll take free enterprise and we’ll give you odds.


Would these folk really  be better off without abundant, affordable energy and the prosperity that comes with it?


Liberty to pollute?

Is liberty really something we have too much of?

We’re old fashioned and still yearning to breath free


Replace high yield agriculture

With “holistic” “gender-sensitive” subsistence farming?

Sustainable serfdom?


“For Decent Work”

“Quality Public Services”

“Act Now!”

Much better than that ‘indecent’ making and growing stuff


“The Future Belongs to the Children”

Another victim of nuclear technology?

Does this child look to you like he’s suffering the effects

of plentiful, clean affordable energy,

or UN approved energy poverty?


Subsidized jobs for trade unions to change world’s temperature!

News at 11



Special interest sustainability


“Quality Public Services” again

Who knew we didn’t have anywhere near enough government workers?


Ready to hop aboard the UN’s big green bus?


We couldn’t read the Japanese lettering accompanying the “Merry Smile Project,”

but if the message was as charming as its imagery, this one’s a winner.


Someone had to speak up for freedom

All too endangered