CFACT is proud to announce that our brand new Energy Depot news and information service is live and informing.

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It takes affordable and abundant energy for free societies to prosper in the modern era.

The Obama administration, of course, is blinded by radical ideology when it comes to issues of climate and energy.

President Obama’s unrelenting war on U.S. energy production has dealt some of the severest blows to freedom and prosperity we can recall.

As usual, big media plays along no matter what outrageous nonsense the Green radicals, Department of Energy, and liberal bureaucrats throughout Obama’s EPA spew against American energy.

Unfortunately for these ideologues (but fortunately for the rest of us) the rules have changed. New media is here and it’s here to stay!

Unlike the past, we can go right around the President and the old-guard “mainstream” media and share the facts directly with the American people.

Climate Depot’s success proves it.

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter enable people to share the facts with thousands of their friends and allies with one click, but they need hard facts to share.  Energy Depot will be a one-stop shop for everything people need to know to keep our energy future bright.

Freedom needs energy – Not hapless wind turbines and solar panels, but proven, reliable, affordable energy.

Energy Depot is ready to beat fear and hysteria with solid facts.

Get all the facts and analysis as they break at CFACT’s brand new Energy Depot!