Bloomberg goes PC on climate, etc.

Mr. Bloomberg is in full embrace of climate change fanaticism – without coming across like a fanatic, which makes him effective and dangerous.

|2019-12-13T15:34:49-05:00December 12th, 2019|Comments Off on Bloomberg goes PC on climate, etc.

What next for U.S. climate and energy policies?

2018 elections bring mixed messages and require climate and renewable energy reality check.

|2018-11-12T10:27:40-05:00November 12th, 2018|Comments Off on What next for U.S. climate and energy policies?

CFACT exposes “climate zombies” at California conference

The point CFACT's zombies' were making was triple underscored when we arrived at San Francisco's Moscone center and found it besieged by the the real-life hard global warming Left, who were equally mindless.

|2018-09-14T14:10:06-04:00September 14th, 2018|Comments Off on CFACT exposes “climate zombies” at California conference

The “Global Climate Action Summit’s” destructive decarbonization tsunami

As Jerry Brown and Michael Bloomberg's San Francisco "summit" wears on, note how often you hear the word “carbon” – as in “carbon emissions,” “carbon footprint,” “carbon trading” and “decarbonization” – when the real topic is carbon dioxide. What will making energy less available and more expensive do to America?

|2018-09-07T22:35:24-04:00September 7th, 2018|Comments Off on The “Global Climate Action Summit’s” destructive decarbonization tsunami
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