The renewable fuel standard is a policy only a grain farmer could love

When all aspects of corn growing and conversion to ethanol are considered no reduction in CO2 was achieved.

|2021-12-09T11:13:56-05:00December 13th, 2021|Comments Off on The renewable fuel standard is a policy only a grain farmer could love

Fix The RFS!

The EPA and Congress need to act immediately to Fix the RFS before more damage is done to America’s economic, energy and national security.

|2021-07-15T14:42:30-04:00July 15th, 2021|Comments Off on Fix The RFS!

The Renewable Fuel Standard: “set up for fraud”

Marita Noon shows how the Renewable Fuel Standard, which mandates the use of biodiesel (and ethanol) in increasing amounts, was "set up for fraud" -- and that many criminals have found the RFS as a lucrative vehicle for quick profit. Some are getting caught, but the only real way to stop this is to sunset or outright repeal the RFS.

|2016-08-02T10:33:19-04:00August 1st, 2016|2 Comments

Why waste food to replace something we already have too much of?

As total repeal of the ethanol renewable fuel standard is unlikely, a compromise has been crafted that CFACT advisor Marita Noon says would go a long way toward minimizing the problem from over-zealous government intervention in the vehicular fuel marketplace. It is time to get back to allowing the free market—not Congress, not unelected bureaucrats, not mandates, not artificially spurred growth in a chosen industry—to determine our fuel choices.

|2016-05-27T02:06:43-04:00May 23rd, 2016|Comments Off on Why waste food to replace something we already have too much of?

Ethanol loses its few friends

There is a growing, bipartisan consensus (outside certain corn-dominant states) that it is time to end the ethanol mandate -- and definitely not to expand that mandate to include E15 fuel, which has a track record of fouling engines and engine components. Ethanol is especially hard on marine engines -- and E15 would be much worse. Meanwhile, the ethanol mandate has contributed to rising prices for food and certain consumer goods.

|2015-11-17T21:24:28-05:00November 17th, 2015|2 Comments

It is a bad time to be in the renewable energy industry

CFACT advisor Marita Noon says that 2015 promises to be a dark year for those who have benefitted from massive subsidies for wind, solar, and biofuels -- the public is tiring of the cost and the failed promises -- and of higher food costs. There will surely be a massive fight between Washington and the states over this -- but wait and see.

|2015-05-03T09:19:46-04:00May 2nd, 2015|25 Comments

Ethanol policy reform–the rare place where environmentalists and energy advocates agree

The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is a bad joke that is costing American businesses money and trouble over a fuel -- cellulosic ethanol -- that is perhaps decades away from marketability. A coalition is building to eliminate this costly, even damaging, mandate that the EPA is eagerly enforcing despite issuing its rules after the fact and pressing for engine-damaging ethanol limits of up to 15% at a time when gasoline prices are dropping and U.S. production of gasoline is peaking. CFACT advisor Marita Noon says it is time to reform, revise, or repeal the RFS.

|2014-12-30T11:00:14-05:00December 30th, 2014|1 Comment
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