Time to get them off our gravy train

Greg Walcher, President of the Natural Resources Group, lauds the recent decision by EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to end two decades of the scurrilous "sue-and-settle" scam run by EPA for the benefit of environmentalist plaintiffs and the policies some EPA officials wanted but could not get regulatory authority to accomplish.

|2017-12-24T02:16:16-05:00December 24th, 2017|Comments Off on Time to get them off our gravy train

Special interests influence costly EPA regulations

The EPA has entered into more than 60 sue-and-settle agreements in just the last 4 years -- as part of a widespread collusion with radical environmentalist groups who use this back-door process to avoid public scrutiny of their confiscatory plans until it is too late for the public, let alone lawmakers, to intervene to find a better solution to the alleged problems being addressed through such lawsuits. It is time to stop this incestuous relationship between federal employees and their once and future colleagues who currently work for radical environmental groups.

|2014-12-20T00:02:11-05:00December 20th, 2014|Comments Off on Special interests influence costly EPA regulations
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