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CFACT unleashed its secret weapon today at the UN global warming conference in Warsaw, as Apollo Astronaut Walt Cunningham went toe-toe with global warming alarmists.

Walt was lunar module pilot on Apollo VII, the first manned Apollo mission. Along with Wally Schirra and Donn Eisele, he orbited the Earth 163 times. Interestingly, Walt won an Emmy award for making the first Walt Cunningham Apollohuman television broadcast from space.

The professional warming crowd pitches a false consensus. They want the public to believe that the scientific debate is over and that all great minds think alike. CFACT readers know exactly the opposite to be true. The Astronauts who brought America to the moon took part in one of the pinnacles of human achievement. The selection process which vetted them, their courage, experience, training and precision are legendary. When they speak, attention must be paid.

CFACT held an official UN press briefing today at COP 19 featuring a powerful one-two punch. After Executive Director Craig Rucker made introductions, Marc Morano, who publishes CFACT’s Climate Depot news and information service, led off, with Walt Cunningham batting cleanup.

Marc took dead aim at all the idle talk going about the COP raising the Philippines typhoon as a rationale to support the climate treaty. “Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda was not the most powerful typhoon to hit the Philippines in recent history,” Marc said, “it was the seventh worst.” 1970’s Typhoon Sening averaged 24 mph more powerful. The typhoon which hit the Philippines was not caused by the lavish lifestyle of ordinary Americans. As CFACT has asked before, “how high would the carbon tax have to have been to have prevented the typhoon?” That’s nonsense.   Marc Morano released a Climate Depot special report which thoroughly debunks the typhoon-warming link.

COP 19 press conference 2Marc took on faulty climate computer models and fake reports of scientific consensus and then expressed his enthusiasm for the changes sweeping Australia, where it seems every day they are tossing aside some further wasteful warming policy. “The model for the world right now should be Australia. Scientifically they get it. Politically they get it. And particularly when it come to the United Nations, they get it,” he said.

Walt Cunningham went next. “Their climate models have never successfully predicted anything and besides, don’t forget, models are not data,” he said. “Since the scientific method does not support the hypothesis they have dreamed up, they resort to so-called consensus science.”

“Realists appear to be winning on the scientific front, but the real battle today and where the realists appear to be losing, is on the media front. The media plays the most influential role in shaping public perception and to some degree with the politicians.’

Walt Cunningham’s assessment grew truly sobering when he observed that, “true believers in human-caused global warming COP 19 after press conferencecannot be reasoned out of their position, because it wasn’t reason which got them there in the first place.”

The assembled warming folks had a hard time coping. They wanted to sneer and be dismissive, but how do you dismiss someone with such extraordinary credibility as Walt Cunningham?

The press briefing was a big success. It frustrated the greens who attended hoping to draw blood – so much so it motivated them to follow the speakers into the hallway afterward where the spirited discussion continued.

CFACT will continue reporting on its Mission Warsaw campaign til the conference closes on Friday. Stay tuned for more updates in the near future.

COP 19 press conference UN video

UN video of CFACT’s press conference

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