UK’s Channel 4 News, broadcast a story covering CFACT’s Marc Morano and the Heartland Institute’s International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC) in Las Vegas, NV. CFACT attended and co-sponsored the conference.

The report attempts to smear Morano and conference attendees as “deniers” and claims that Morano is “fear mongering.”

You can watch Channel 4 ‘s video, here.

Although, that video doesn’t tell the whole story. Channel 4 News included about 30 seconds of the extensive interview with their reporter, Siobhan Kennedy and Morano of CFACT.

For reference to content discussed in the video, see Morano’s full speech to the Heartland Conference on climate lockdowns, here. The full PowerPoint presentation on Climate Lockdowns is here.

Watch the full, unedited interview with Kennedy here: