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Study calms severe weather hype


|2011-03-24T00:00:00-04:00March 24th, 2011|

As everyone knows, the weather is becoming more extreme with increasing numbers of blizzards, hurricanes, droughts and other calamities caused by global warming, right? Well, while the media tends to hype these severe weather events as unusual and increasing in frequency, a new study by the Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project reveals otherwise. As reported in the Wall Street Journal, this project, which involved sophisticated supercomputers, created a dataset of global atmospheric conditions dating back to 1891. And what did they find? Well, contrary to what global warming proponents have been saying, they found absolutely no evidence of more extreme [...]

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Extreme weather is natural


|2012-09-19T12:13:55-04:00December 22nd, 2010|

The Daily Mail reports that the jet stream is causing Europe's paralyzing cold snap. This year a high-pressure weather system over the Atlantic is blocking the jet stream’s normal path and forcing it to the north and south of Europe. The areas of high pressure act like stones in a stream - blocking the normal flow of milder air from the west and instead forcing colder air from the north down across the UK. Once again if it's hot it's warming and if it's cold it's nature. Attention: climate campaigners, carbon profiteers & leftists -- repeat after us: "Extreme weather is [...]

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When It’s Hot It’s Warming — When It’s Cold It’s Weather


|2009-10-02T03:23:11-04:00October 2nd, 2009|

The NY Times wants to know whether a dry, dusty spell in Australia is evidence of global warming.  That Australia was prone to dryness and dust before the Dutch stumbled upon it doesn’t factor. When the Guardian reported last year that snow was blanketing the Middle East, they didn’t ask whether this showed we were all in for global cooling. Cooler heads of course know that neither event tells us much about our climate.  Weather varies and history records the average of extremes.  If the press reports unseasonable heat as warming and takes unseasonable cold in stride, it  heads [...]

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Release: CFACT to hold press conference in Doha — Thursday


|2012-12-05T19:27:41-05:00December 5th, 2012|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (Doha) Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) will be holding a press conference Thursday to call on the United Nations to halt its efforts to create a new climate change treaty. CFACT will release a report by Marc Morano, “Extreme Weather Report 2012 and a video message for the UN from Senator James Inhofe.

Fiji cash to Polish coal at the UN climate conference


|2017-11-18T20:24:41-05:00November 18th, 2017|

COP 23, the UN climate conference in Bonn, Germany, ended with a coal-powered whimper. Poor countries sought cash, China sought opaque emissions reporting and Polish coal miners host the next one.

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CFACT presents four inconvenient facts about global warming at COP 21 display


|2015-12-04T17:16:57-05:00December 4th, 2015|

CFACT used our display at COP 21 to inject four "inconvenient facts" into the COP. They are the kind of rock solid, 100% scientifically valid points that leave the warming-indoctrinated spluttering. Here they are.

COP 19: Filipino negotiator goes on hunger strike over typhoon


|2013-11-16T12:22:09-05:00November 16th, 2013|

Philippines climate negotiator Naderev "Yeb" Saño of the Philippines announced to COP 19's plenary session that he will conduct a hunger strike for the remainder of the UN climate summit in Warsaw. While we stand with Mr. Sano in our desire to help Filipinos cope, Typhoon Haian/Yolanda was the work of nature, not of man.

75 years ago: The great hurricane of 1938


|2013-09-22T11:04:49-04:00September 22nd, 2013|

Are you tired of the global warming people talking as if history just started yesterday? They hype Katrina, Sandy and any rough weather which comes our way. Natural tragedies are.... NATURAL. 75 years ago this weekend, nature sucker-punched the Northeast.

UN press conference: Acknowledge temperature standstill & abandon bias


|2013-06-05T11:06:24-04:00June 5th, 2013|

CFACT's Bonn press conference: Statement of Executive Director Craig Rucker, the UN streamed it live and there is UNFCCC on demand video available featuring Craig Rucker and Wolfgang Mueller of the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE).

“Hot air” at the UN climate conference


|2013-06-04T14:22:53-04:00June 4th, 2013|

It's becoming apparent that so long as there's taxpayer money and nice venues to hold conferences, there's probably going to be no end to these regularly scheduled gatherings of international bureaucrats attempting to clamp down on our economy and regulate the weather.

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