Green energy more hype than benefit

CFAC advisor Larry Bell says that we ought to beware of marketing terms such as “clean,” “renewable,” and “sustainable.” While those words may seem very nice, they have routinely been co-opted and redefined through misleading “Green” messaging campaigns. For example, corn ethanol yields less energy than is required to grow and produce it. Wind turbines are bird and bat executioners. Solar plants take up so much land that reptiles and other animals suffer. Plus, solar and wind are inherently intermittent,

|2014-09-09T13:26:03-04:00September 9th, 2014|Comments Off on Green energy more hype than benefit

Workers suffer when militarized police and Big Green get together

Billionaire environmentalists have long been at war against the American people -- and hide behind federal agencies which have joyfully done their bidding. Today, however, people are awakening to this threat, and fighting back against the billionaires. As Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has written, the poor will revolt against this micro-management of the economy and the environment by rich elites.

|2014-08-25T17:58:16-04:00August 25th, 2014|1 Comment

U.S. Government releases predators against its own people

With pressure from environmentalists (including anti-meat activists), the federal government reintroduced the Mexican grey wolf into southern New Mexico and other areas -- to the dismay of ranchers and their families, livestock, and pets. The anti-people zealots are now demanding even greater protections for these wolves, who routinely kill other endangered or threatened species and pose genuine threats to people despite claims that wolves do not attack humans. The time is now to fight against this dangerous trend -- by submitting comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

|2014-08-25T17:59:31-04:00August 25th, 2014|19 Comments

Wyoming ranchers sue Western Watersheds Project for trespassing

Wyoming ranchers are suing the Western Watersheds Project for trespassing for gathering water samples on private and state land without permission. WWP's stated mission is to rid public lands of all grazing leases. Writer Ron Arnold says their activities constitute "rural cleansing."

|2014-08-05T09:59:13-04:00August 1st, 2014|5 Comments

Congressional Budget Office: Doing its job on biofuels

Dave Juday points out that the Congressional Budget Office, created during the Nixon Administration to be a nonpartisan evaluator, is doing its job by reporting that with no changes to the renewable fuel standard, the price of diesel fuel will jump by 30 to 51 cents per gallon, with E10 gasoline prices rising 13 to 26 cents per gallon. The EPA has already admitted it needs to lower the biofuels requirement for 2014, but it is nearly August and no final action has been taken. This, Juday notes, frustrates policymakers, analysts, and most of all gasoline and diesel marketers. comending that the government make changes to the EPA's renewable fuel standard to reflect real-world

|2014-07-23T16:16:37-04:00July 23rd, 2014|Comments Off on Congressional Budget Office: Doing its job on biofuels

Killing marine life with ethanol

Paul Driessen explains the damage done to the Gulf of Mexico from nitrogen fertilizer runoff that flows down the Mississippi and creates massive dead zones (no oxygen) that kill marine life. This is on top of other problems caused by adding ethanol to gasoline -- poor engine performance, higher food prices, and more

|2014-07-21T09:37:36-04:00July 21st, 2014|3 Comments

EPA harasses Americans

The EPA, claiming authority under the Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA ) of 1996, says it will adopt on August 1 a new rule that “will allow the EPA to garnish non-Federal wages to collect delinquent non-tax debts owed the United States without first obtaining a court order.” Robert Gordon explains how this is both wrong and dangerous.

|2014-07-08T10:32:40-04:00July 8th, 2014|6 Comments

Overreaching federal government makes strong men weak

Long before Obama, the federal government had been conducting a war against farmers and ranchers in the West. Every new action under the Endangered Species Act, every land grab (aka National Monument designation), every effort to introduce predators into lands used for decades, even centuries, to support human activity, is an assault by rich and powerful bullies who despise the simple lifestyle these hard-working people lead. But who will stop this war against the American West?

|2014-07-01T17:27:27-04:00July 1st, 2014|3 Comments

Obama: Stealing America one national monument at a time

Against the wishes of local ranchers and off-road vehicle users, President Obama once again violated policy by designating 500,000 acres in New Mexico as the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument. As Rep. Steve Pearce, who represents the affected area, explained, monuments created under the Antiquities Act are supposed to cover only the "smallest area compatible" with the designation. He addedd, "This single action has erased 6 years of work" by local residents to develop a collaborative plan for the Organ Mountains "that would have preserved the natural resource and still provided futgure economic opportunities." So what else is new? President Obama killing more American jobs.

|2014-06-17T15:24:04-04:00June 17th, 2014|Comments Off on Obama: Stealing America one national monument at a time

Environmental shakedown through bastardized application of science, policy, and education

Marita Noon explains how the Center for Biological Diversity, a group founded by fired federal employees, has misused the Endangered Species Act to stop development and pocket millions of dollars - and the compliant federal government is not even keeping track of tyhe money it has doled out in legal fees who file friendly lawsuits that are quickly settled to the detriment of citizens.

|2014-05-14T14:59:43-04:00May 14th, 2014|1 Comment

Was stopping Nevada’s fracking rush behind the Bundy Showdown?

There are a lot of theories as to the real reason the Bureau of Land Management has chosen this time to try to seize Cliven Bundy's cattle and shut down his ranch. The most easily disproven theory is that the cattle are threatening the desert tortoise. Others suggest that Senator Harry Reid, whose lieutenant now runs the BLM, has a secret deal with the Chinese to build a huge solar array on the property. Marita Noon believes she has uncovered a third possibility -- that the BLM wants to control the mineral rights to oil and natural gas in the area.

|2014-04-15T12:31:47-04:00April 15th, 2014|1 Comment

Perils of commercial beekeeping

It is time for U.S. and Canadian regulators to "bee" smart -- and ignore calls for copying the EU and banning neonicotinoids. While it is true that harvesting the nation's almond crop puts stress on bee colonies and exposes them to parasites and diseases,

|2014-04-06T01:12:53-04:00April 6th, 2014|Comments Off on Perils of commercial beekeeping

New Virginia law protects farmers from meddling local officials

Thanks to a grassroots outcry against injustice, Virginia lawmakers passed a new law, signed by Gov. Terry McAuliffe, that protects family farmers from encroachment by local governments. Martha Boneta had been barred by her county government from selling produce, fined for hosting a birthday party, and threatened with the loss of her entire farm. Environmental groups and county governments provided the major opposition to the bill.

|2014-03-27T21:47:15-04:00March 27th, 2014|Comments Off on New Virginia law protects farmers from meddling local officials

Job creators sue the federal government over “sue and settle”

For years environmentalists have usurped individual private property rights and thwarted economic development. Now, thanks to Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, it appears that the job creators may have finally learned something from the extreme tactics of groups, like the Wild Earth Guardians and the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), which have been using the courts to their advantage by filing lawsuits against the federal government.

|2014-03-26T17:15:19-04:00March 25th, 2014|Comments Off on Job creators sue the federal government over “sue and settle”

Flight of the honeybees’ commercial keepers

Almond lovers must also be bee lovers, and it takes 1.5 million beehives to ensure the annual California almond crop -- 80% of the world's total. But risk, mites, and disease plague hives -- and the convergence of so many bees creates a hotbed of viruses and pathogens. This -- and not neonicotinoid pesticides -- is the most likely threat to bee populations in the U.S. Part 2 will explain this in more detail.

|2014-03-25T17:36:56-04:00March 24th, 2014|Comments Off on Flight of the honeybees’ commercial keepers
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