From Cancun: Leadership is the courage to say no

This article originally appeared in the National Journal's Cancun Insider.   Cancun, Mexico--Ed Markey wonders, “Where do we go from here?” With any luck, COP 16 will be the last UN sponsored Climate conference, and we can all just go home, to spend time with our families and do something worthwhile with our hard-earned money. Maybe Canadians can process a bit of tar sands as well – and enjoy ever so slightly warmer Januaries, if the Earth would just warm a bit more, instead of continuing to cool and snow.After the fears of “global cooling” passed in the 1970s, alarmists quickly [...]

|2012-09-19T23:51:56-04:00December 1st, 2010|Comments Off on From Cancun: Leadership is the courage to say no

Climate change and renewable energy movements falter

It’s been a rough few weeks for the “eco-progressive” fringe.Static jet streams induced near-record high temperatures in parts of the United States and Russia, but extreme cold pummeled Seattle, England and much of the Southern Hemisphere. Perhaps Al Gore, Michael Mann and Rajendra Pachauri can turn this hodgepodge into “catastrophic climate change,” but most folks understand it as Mother Nature and weather. Polls and news accounts find more Americans, Europeans and other people becoming weary and skeptical of “manmade global warming disaster” claims, convinced that natural forces are the primary cause of recurrent climate change, and unwilling to accept soaring energy [...]

|2010-09-09T13:28:21-04:00September 9th, 2010|Comments Off on Climate change and renewable energy movements falter

Obama’s deliberate Katrina

Back in May, a television news program asked me if I’d tell America the BP oil spill is President Obama’s Katrina. We discussed the spill’s causes, effects and cleanup effort, but I wouldn’t give them the “red meat” they were looking for. So I lost my 15 minutes of national fame.Since then, it has become obvious that the Katrina analogy is inappropriate. The 2005 hurricane was marked by abject failures by the New Orleans mayor and Louisiana governor, and initially inept responses by FEMA and the Bush administration. The 2010 oil spill is defined by yeoman’s efforts by Gulf Coast governors [...]

|2012-09-16T22:33:24-04:00July 6th, 2010|Comments Off on Obama’s deliberate Katrina

What’s the cost if Congress fails?

Commisioner Hedegaard posed this question:  "While some argue that the U.S. cannot afford climate and energy legislation, my question is: Can the U.S. afford not to have ambitious legislation that paves the way for a more energy-efficient future? We all know that we are in for a future where energy and resources will be still more expensive, and the companies and nations that are the most energy-efficient will prosper the most." CFACT Executive Director, Craig Rucker responded to her question. Commissioner Hedegaard's Denmark may have surrounded itself with wind turbines, but could not afford such feel good luxuries if it were [...]

|2010-04-19T08:27:02-04:00April 19th, 2010|Comments Off on What’s the cost if Congress fails?

Private property resolution picks up steam in the House

  Not long ago, Congressman Paul Broun, M.D., (R-GA) celebrated Constitution Day (September 18) by introducing H. Res. 748, a resolution upholding the property rights of all Americans. Broun’s initiative came on the 222ndanniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution by the Founding Fathers.  While celebrating the anniversary of the Constitution, Broun was quick to point out the mounting threats to one of the document’s most cherished provisions.  “Unfortunately, government has grown out of control, and it’s far different today from what our Founders established, he pointed out.  “As an original-intent constitutionalist, I believe the federal government was not established [...]

|2009-11-12T12:26:22-05:00November 12th, 2009|Comments Off on Private property resolution picks up steam in the House

Affordable Energy: the foundation of economic justice

  We have come together today united by a common goal: preserving jobs, families and communities … seeking improved opportunities, living standards and quality of life … revitalizing blighted neighborhoods, like those along Route 64 and in North St. Louis … bringing health and prosperity to Earth’s most impoverished nations … and pursuing social, economic and environmental justice – for workers and poor families … of every creed and color … across this great land and in faraway nations. But what do we mean by “justice”? How do we define this important humanitarian concept? What do we include in this definition [...]

|2009-11-12T11:26:56-05:00November 12th, 2009|Comments Off on Affordable Energy: the foundation of economic justice

Cap and trade is all pain and no gain

  Cap-and-trade is a tax, and it's going to be a great big one. – Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich. Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. – President Barack Obama Cap-and-trade schemes will inflict massive economic pain for no environmental gain. It will create an intrusive "Green Nanny State" that destroys jobs, reduces personal freedoms, staggers economic opportunities and limits civil rights. While much media attention in recent months has been riveted on health care, government bailouts and runaway spending, another major issue is flying under the radar in Washington, the so-called "cap-and-trade" legislation. Designed to address "global [...]

|2009-10-21T13:17:20-04:00October 21st, 2009|Comments Off on Cap and trade is all pain and no gain

Climate assumptions from another planet

As the 821-page Kerry-Boxer climate bill gets fast-tracked in the Senate, as a companion to the 1427-page House bill, it is critical that we reexamine the assumptions behind cap-tax-and-trade legislation. The Environmental Protection Agency, Energy Information Administration and other optimistic analysts claim America can limit and tax hydrocarbon use, and switch to “ecologically friendly” renewable energy, with minimal harm to families, businesses and jobs. Their low-ball cost estimates are based on assumptions that can only have come from another planet: We will overcome decades of fear, resistance, lawsuits and over-regulation, and double US nuclear power in just 25 years. Workable, affordable [...]

|2009-10-20T07:33:00-04:00October 20th, 2009|Comments Off on Climate assumptions from another planet

Don’t fry our economy!

Today hundreds gathered in at the State Capitol in Madison, Wi to oppose Al Gore and his alarmist Climate Change policies.  Despite the cold, an enthusiastic crowd gathered to send Al Gore a clear message: “Don’t Fry Our Economy!” “It was an amazing turnout, even though rain and cold usually keeps people away.  We were out to tell Al Gore and his friends that Cap and Trade will kill our economy, take jobs away, and tax American families out of their homes,” said UW CFACT president Alex Hansen. Senator Glenn Grothman and Representative Jim Ott both spoke on the truth about [...]

|2009-10-09T14:03:37-04:00October 9th, 2009|Comments Off on Don’t fry our economy!

EPA action endangers good public policy

  Advocates of climate change have become increasingly shrill in their alarmist claims of doom and gloom lately, arguing in recent weeks (as reported in CFACT’s Climate Depot) that global warming will kill millions through droughts and floods, bring humanity back to the Stone Age, and (perhaps even most troubling) is responsible for costing Tiger Woods a U.S. Open championship. Incredibly, they are quick to ridicule any skeptic who would question their alarmist cries, and some even advocate putting such nay-sayers on trial for “crimes against humanity.” Now comes word that EPA might have gone so far as to mute a [...]

|2009-07-08T08:46:14-04:00July 8th, 2009|Comments Off on EPA action endangers good public policy

White House releases report on climate change

By Evan DentA few days ago the White House released a report on climate change that was put together by the US Global Climate Change Research Program. Part of the report states, "It is clear that impacts in the United States are already occurring and are projected to increase in the future." Many climate skeptics, or "realists", are leery of the report, saying it is not an accurate depiction of climate patterns in our country and think the report was released to help further President Obama's Cap and Trade plans. When looking into who actually contributed information for the report, [...]

|2009-06-27T00:00:00-04:00June 27th, 2009|Comments Off on White House releases report on climate change

What does Sotomayor mean for the environment?

By Evan Dent I recently ran across a blog post on Green Hell Blog that discusses President Obama's recent Supreme Court nominee, Sonya Sotomayor. According to the blog, Sotomayor is definitely on the side of extremely left leaning green environmental groups. For example, she ruled in favor of a group sueing the EPA for allowing cost-benefit analysis at a power plant for its water cooling intake structures. It's a shame that Judges in high-power positions are so willing to rule in favor of environmental activists and their initiatives, despite the blatant negative impacts it wouldhave on all ofthe tax-payingconsumers! As the [...]

|2009-06-22T00:00:00-04:00June 22nd, 2009|Comments Off on What does Sotomayor mean for the environment?
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