CFACT’s Marc Morano is a regular guest on “The Source,” hosted by Ezra Levant on Canada’s Sun News channel.  This time, Morano was asked to comment on “Earth Hour,” a time when some environmental groups want all of us to turn off the lights and, as Morano says, “celebrate the darkness.” 

Morano explained to Levant that  the Obama Administration “wants to make affordable energy, more expensive,” and they are taking significant action to ensure that energy costs continue to soar.  Some excerpts from his comments:

“They are banning coal plants. One of the most moral [energy] choices we have is coal fired power in the world today. 50% of our electricity in U.S. is from coal. It lowers infant mortality, extends live expectancy, brings modern dentistry, modern hospitals.”

“Both solar and wind have competed with fossil based fuels and they had their rear ends kicked and no amount of subsidies or mandates is going change that. It is certainly is not going to happen with the government the picking winners and losers through the political process.”

“When 1.6 billion people don’t have running or electricity, you don’t look to put solar panels on their huts made of dung — you try to bring them carbon based energy.”

“Cheap abundant energy is the life line of human prosperity and human wellness.”

“Why are we celebrating the Middle Ages? Why are we celebrating the Dark Ages? Why are we celebrating what N. Korea has already achieved?!”

“People should abhor Earth Hour. We should be celebrating carbon based energy — it is the moral choice , one of the greatest liberators of mankind in the history of our planet.”