On March 21, 2014, Climate Depot’s Marc Morano was a guest on Neil Cavuto’s Fox News show to discuss the UN IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report on global warming. Said Morano: “UN scientists are warning of human extinction if we do not act now. They are saying we are going to have all sorts of floods and droughts hurricanes, weather we have always had. It’s easy to predict something when you know you have always had it in the past. The claim the only way to ‘save’ us — and this is what John Kerry believes — is central planning. We need UN treaties, we need carbon taxes, we need global emission pacts.

“Kerry is seeking a political legacy. He’s putting all his eggs in the UN treaty next year in Paris. I think that is going to be a reality.

“In 2009, UN officials predicted what the next report would look like. They said they would make the report so alarming the world would have to act. It’s nothing more than pre-determined science. Government hand picks the scientists. When current reality fails to scare people, they make more and more scary predictions of the future and then say ‘it’s worse than we thought because our predictions are scarier.’

“The IPCC report is boring. It’s a bunch of scary scenarios that even their own scientists cannot swallow and many of them in the past have just walked away because they think it’s too alarmist.”

Watch video on Fox Business.