If coal is a planet-wrecking problem, if it really mattered, about 30 countries are beating themselves up in acts of grandiose public flagellation while one country is wrecking the planet, and nobody cares. The truth is that no one is behaving like they think CO2 is causing a crisis. All over the West, everyone wears the hippie-care coat while buying the cheapest fridges, phones, and fashion they can get from the global coal furnace. And China nods the nod then keeps on adding coal power plants.

Climate change: China at risk of missing its goals unless it takes drastic action to rein in coal expansion, new research finds

Eric Ng, South China Morning Post

Last year, the Chinese energy sector’s carbon dioxide emissions increased by 5.2 percent, the same as the gross domestic product, highlighting a failure to rein in energy-intensive growth, they estimated.

According to the Global Coal Plant Tracker, 70 gigawatts of new coal power were built around the world in 2023. Of the 107 countries they tracked, one country built 47 gigawatts.  The other 106 countries combined built 22 gigawatts.  The distribution of new coal plants is thus:

New coal plants built in 2023

(Click to enlarge)

Or put another way:

New coal plants built in 2023

(Click to enlarge)


And this pattern has been repeated for 23 years.

This is the combined total of coal power installed around the world since the turn of the century:

New coal plants built from 2000 to 2023. Graphed.

(Click to see the bigger graph)


So, the rulers of the West buy their transformers, solar panels, and wind turbines from The Coal Giant while pretending they sincerely want to reduce coal use. And the populace buys their cheap t-shirts, lemon squeezers, and avocado-slicers (and their fridges and freezers).  And no one in polite society suggests sanctions or boycotts. (No one suggests “checking the science” either.) Everyone wants their cheap stuff.

And so the charade continues; China pretends it will reduce emissions, and the West pretends it could happen:

“Another year of rapidly rising emissions in 2023 leaves China way off track against its target of cutting carbon intensity by 18 percent between 2021 and 2025,” said Lauri Myllyvirta, lead analyst at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA). “As a result, carbon dioxide emissions would now need to fall by 4 to 6 percent by 2025 to hit the goal.”

And everyone pretends that it matters.