CFACT Rechristens Greenpeace’s “Rainbow Warrior” as “Propanda Warrior”

|2012-09-19T14:45:20-04:00December 18th, 2009|Comments Off on CFACT Rechristens Greenpeace’s “Rainbow Warrior” as “Propanda Warrior”

CFACT drops the banner on Greenpeace ships

(Copenhagen, Denmark, December 16, 2009) Global warming skeptics from CFACT yesterday pulled off an international climate caper using GPS triangulation from Greenpeace's own on-board camera photos to locate and sail up long-side of the infamous Greenpeace vessel, Rainbow Warrior. Then in Greenpeace-like fashion, the CFACT activists unfurled a banner reading "Propaganda Warrior" which underscored how the radical green group’s policies and agenda are based on myths, lies, and exaggerations. Earlier in the day the activists daringly boarded Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise with neither stealth nor force, but by baffling the crew with doughnuts, and unfurled a banner that read “Ship of Lies” [...]

|2012-10-19T18:19:47-04:00December 16th, 2009|Comments Off on CFACT drops the banner on Greenpeace ships
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