CFACT Europe Logo

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This is the site of the European Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT Europe). We are part of the international CFACT network.

We are a non-governmental and non-partisan organization dedicated to the improvement of our environment, our public services and to efficient strategies to overcome poverty in Europe and beyond.

However, on our pages you will NOT find the usual doomsday scenarios of banal environmentalism. Actually, we are tired of these scenarios.

Why? Pessimism and extremism are destructive. We believe that there is a constructive solution for every basic human problem and that these solutions should be responsible, ethical, conventional and based on the findings of free, unprejudiced scientific research.

Freedom, market economics and democracy provide sufficient means to feed the hungry and to decrease pollution and many times – they ARE the means.

Furthermore, you will find sufficient and updated information on what we want, what we do and who we are throughout our site.

Since we believe in free and open debates, our website contains articles that do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all members of our network, but present often  underrepresented views we hope you will find interesting.

We are grateful for any comments and questions and intend to earn your support.

Enjoy reading!

CFACT Europe

Günther Fehlinger, President, CFACT Europe

Günther Fehlinger, President, CFACT Europe

Holger Thuss, Executive Director, CFACT Europe

Holger Thuss, Executive Director, CFACT Europe