Every Monday, Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Germany’s national information radio station rewiews what it considers the nation’s most important political literature. On June 16, between Czech President Vaclav Havel’s autobiography, and a book by Alice Schwarzer (Germany’s most prominent feminist) Edgar Gaertner’s “Eco-nihilism” was presented and reviewed for the listeners.

Reviewer Gunnar Sohn presented “a voice of a skillful observer” that is warning “scientists, business leaders and politicians of shortsighted reactions, blind actionism and policies with placebo effects”. The reviewer emphasized Gaertner’s point that the conventional wisdom of political ecology is fact-resistant and a dead-end-road.

Deutschlandfunk is Germany’s only national public talk radio. It is based in Cologne and began transmissions in 1962.

Link (German):
http://www.dradio.de/dlf/ sendungen/politischeliteratur/648211/