During his final days in office, President Obama transferred hundreds of millions of dollars to the UN’s “Green Climate Fund.”

Other nations haven’t been quite so generous – and it doesn’t seem likely President Trump will hand the UN more, if any, money in the future.

Industrialized nations have been busy shuffling around their existing foreign aid dollars and reassigning them to fulfill their UN climate pledges.

Developing nations don’t like this gimmickry one bit. They want “new money.”  That’s why they signed up for the UN’s Paris climate agreement in the first place.

Economic powerhouses like China and India, which lead the world in CO2 emissions, are exempt from chipping in – yet want the U.S. to pay up.  This is particularly ironic as China held $1.12 TRILLION dollars of U.S. debt at the end of October.

All this underscores just how bad a deal President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry made when they led the U.S. into this lopsidedly unfair Paris accord.

Redistribution of wealth through wasteful UN bureaucracies does nothing meaningful to alter the temperature of the Earth or to mitigate the impacts of alleged global warming – even should the climate modelers ever get the science right about temperature sensitivity to CO2 (don’t hold your breath).

The Green Climate Fund is just one of many reasons why President Trump should honor his campaign promise and withdraw the U.S. from the UN’s Paris climate agreement.

Let’s hope Donald Trump remains a savvy enough businessman not to throw good money after bad.