When it comes to the United Nations and climate change, it is all about the UN altruistically serving the people of the world. Or maybe not. Here in Madrid for the UN Conference of the Parties on climate change (COP25), UN attendees have special privileges.

Arriving a day before the start of the meetings, I decided to tour the royal palace in the city center. Upon arriving, however, people who had similarly decided to take in the culture and history of the palace were in for an unpleasant surprise. Common people seeking to purchase tickets were told that we would only be allowed to see the kitchen and armory sections of the palace because COP25 participants had reserved exclusive access to the rest of the palace throughout the day.

The disappointing news for common people hoping to tour the palace reinforced what many already know. The United Nations bureaucracy has a pretty good gig set up for all their globe-trotting climate conferences and other UN perks. Several times each year, the UN climate class arranges conferences all over the world in desirable tourist destinations. UN participants enjoy wonderful vacations and exclusive access to special events. Taxpayers throughout the world, meanwhile, are stuck with the bill.

Ultimately, the United Nations and its bureaucracy has a tremendous self-interest in perpetuating the idea of a climate crisis. If and when the climate crisis narrative goes away, so do all of their taxpayer-funded jobs, vacations, and fawning media attention.

This is one of the many reasons people should consider alarmist UN climate narratives with a healthy grain of salt.