Constructing a Flow chart on Warming

First of all, this talks about a change at the Earth’s core.

So that has to be putting stress on the ocean floor.

It may be explained here:

Second, the possible source for stress that increases Geothermal:

Third, geothermal increases that began around 1990:


(co2 was rising before)


yet temps barely moved.





4) Rise occurred after more so where it is coldest and driest, pointing the finger at Water Vapor (WV) due to correlation. not CO2.


The biggest point is that the rise began when the new variable was introduced, which would have disturbed the equilibrium.

This leads to a distortion of the driving force (changes in the global wind oscillation, sea level pressure patterns, vertical velocity patterns etc).

5) The step-up function is clearly seen. When Geothermal input leads to a buildup, the counter is the El Nino and more WV is released into the air, hence the  step up warm-up.

Add the giant volcano last year and its WV, and it perfectly explains the increase along with the current El Nino in global temps.


This can not be linked to CO2, since CO2 back radiation RELIES ON INCREASED OUTGOING LONG-WAVE RADIATION (OLR) FROM WARMING, and that back radiation only penetrates a MM or 2 of the ocean which has the bulk of the energy.

6) Now here comes the whammy, the increase in OLR due to fewer clouds and so more solar radiation reaching the tropical waters.


A complete flip. Blue, which is more OLR is a sign that there is more sunshine reaching the surface is where it was cloudier before the geothermal started. This warms the tropical oceans more.

So 1) there are fewer clouds over the tropics (blue indicates more Outgoing Radiation than green). So more incoming solar. The most recent 10 years are on the bottom. 2) This, of course, leads to what is being observed above by the CIRES people, because they are focused on the solar. I don’t know if they have looked at what I am looking at. But their ideas CONFIRM what I have been showing. 3) IT’S OPPOSITE THE CAGW TRAPPING HOT SPOT THEORY. The traps are over the poles which is part of the natural climate cycle feedback that, though taking decades, will lead to cooling. That is how climate used to be taught before all the agenda-driven drivel came in. What is driving geothermal? Likely disruptions in the normal processes at the bottom of the ocean due to the change in the rotation of the earth’s molten core. That is above my pay grade, What would cause that (it’s been going on for 30 years and can be seen in this paper above). Models can not even handle clouds and overdo CO2 forcing.

7) So this has just come out, confirming that part of it.


Increased ABSORBED solar radiation and the temperature rise is in response to the buildup.

So, it backs up what the OLR charts are showing. There is more Outgoing long-wave radiation BECAUSE OF LESS CLOUDS AND MORE SOLAR REACHING THE SURFACE IN THESE VERY WARM AREAS. Keep in mind that CO2 does not absorb incoming radiation. It is not a heat-trapping gas; there is not enough of it. It works to warm by its saturated bands (so it does not matter anymore how much CO2 goes into the air; they are saturated.) Absorbing OUTGOING LONGWAVE RADIATION. So that should be a red flag. If not for warming, it can cause no warming. If the oceans had not warmed, the air above warming would be minimal, BUT CO2 IS NOT WARMING THE WATER! In any case, the increased incoming solar radiation due to less cloud means the reason for this is due to the introduced forcing from the geothermal. I have been pushing this and pushing this. It has no chance of succeeding. I may not be right; I understand that. But the reason I found all this was because I knew something had to be going on that I did not see, that was being hidden or not known. It is because I forecast every day and noticed how the oceans were suddenly warming. Something had to be doing that, a new source.

So this showed up

I started showing this. Guess what happened?