From this:

Muslims in Nigeria butcher 200 Christians on Christmas—Reuters blames climate change



A massacre in Nigeria left nearly 200 people dead over the weekend in what Reuters has dubbed the “bloodiest violence since 2018” in the country. Reuters then proceeded to suggest that the conflict was caused by climate change….


…Reuters has claimed that “experts and politicians say climate change and expanding agriculture are creating competition for land, pushing farmers and herders into conflict.”

They said that climate change has caused the regions of northern Nigeria where the herdsmen are from to become more prone to both drought and floods which has “forced” them to massacre Christian farmers over their land…

The massacre is pure evil. Attributing the massacre to climate stems from such the kind of jibberish John Kerry uttered about drought causing the rise of BOKO HARAM.

There is no drought in Nigeria:


The 1950s in a similar cycle of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation was wetter.


Guess what, there were a lot of hurricanes in the 1950s because when this part of Africa is wet it’s a by-product of the AMO, which is natural, and it leads to more robust African waves. The late Bill Gray predicted this back in the 1970s, its return when John Kerry was getting D’s in Geology and lying about throwing his medals away.

In the last 10 years, there has been no perceptible change in temperatures in Nigeria that would drive someone to massacre someone else.


That someone would even use such an event, be it the media or even as Fox reported, the Biden Administration, illustrates how far from reality climate radicals have strayed. The politicians at the top of climate pyramid shamelessly weaponize the weather to push their narrative.

The migration wave has nothing to do with climate. There is not enough cross generational change in temperature or precipitation where record amounts of food are being grown, to make people leave. Hateful ideology and the states that fund it are, however, all too real.

Massacre 200 Christians ON CHRISTMAS and attribute this to Climate change? This willful ignorance is inexcusable given the ready availability of solid weather references.