This is from a CFACT podcast.

Look at this tweet:


Let’s examine this.

First of all, Senator Whitehouse knows nothing about Rhode Island and New England Hurricanes. There is a record-breaking hurricane drought in New England right now. This part of the nation averaged landfilling hurricanes every 6.7 years from 1938 to 1991.  Since then, NONE. Yet the annual Whitehouse Hurricane Hysteria is right around the corner. Given the kind of Hurricane season I have forecasted, perhaps year after year of saying it’s worse than ever,  his amazing streak of being wrong every year may end for New England.

A word about this hurricane forecast, issued Dec 7.


My chief analogs are 2005,2017,2020

If right, and that is a big if, this will become a huge political football before the election.

The forecast is not meant to panic anyone. Why would I want to contribute to climate anxiety that Whitehouse pushes? I am a known skeptic, but I do understand that the ideas in this write-up are all evolving as the El Nino becomes a La Nina and the Atlantic, instead of having to counter an El Nino that limits storms near the US coast, is looking ideal for the kind of seasons that, unfortunately, are now being used to amplify a phony climate war.

But consider this. The forecast could be wrong. It is a future event. It is based on what I am seeing and the hypothesis I have on what is driving the weather and climate right now ( see numerous blogs on this). But it is based on an interpretation of what we see now and where we think we are going. So, there is plenty of room for me to be wrong.

Contrast that to Whitehouse. The tweet above is pure nonsense. He and his people ARE CREATING ANXIETY. It’s classic. They create a problem opposite of what is going on and then propose an anti-human and anti-progress solution. He is whipping up hysteria, and if there is climate anxiety it’s based on the push he is a part of that is a product of a party that creates fear and seeks to exploit it.

In 1930, there were 1/4 the number of people on the planet. But there was 28 times the number of climate and related deaths. That one statistic should debunk his entire premise that climate is causing more anxiety. It’s the opposite. If it’s getting worse, then we are adapting, thanks to the system we have here and the fossil fuels, both of which he and many in his party are destroying.

The earth is greener than ever been. Each tree takes out about 50 lbs of Co2. Theoretically, if you have enough trees, you balance out emissions. But isn’t greener better if you are in favor of a green agenda. And this is typical — an obvious positive is nowhere to be mentioned.

Climate Anxiety is not being caused by the climate. How is it that Senator Whitehouse, who is being used here because the real cause of the anxiety is what is being forced down children’s throats (plus all the other things they have to deal with today) is not a leader for nuclear power which has no emissions? How is it that he is not tweeting madly about this?


Nations across the world are building coal plants like crazy. The number one country is China. And think of this: Hunter Biden has no problems doing business with energy companies from China, the number one true polluter in the world, even if CO2 is not a pollutant. But this is what is going on. They are merely using the phony climate war to enrich themselves at the expense of their countries’ future.

There is one metric after another that says the world is better off today than it ever was. And yet climate anxiety has become a concern. And it is people pushing a phony climate war that are responsible for this.  One has to wonder if it’s not a form of abuse.

All of this has a common thread — obscuring facts and exploiting people who do not know better.

You be the judge as to the true motive.  Why would you say such things in the face of the facts?