About Steve Goreham (Edit profile)

Steve Goreham is a speaker, author, and independent columnist on energy, sustainability, climate change, and public policy. More than 100,000 copies of his books are now in print, including his latest, Outside the Green Box: Rethinking Sustainable Development.

Climate “call to action” — Never have U.S. doctors been so foolish

Actual weather and health trends don’t support these health professionals alarming demands.

|2019-07-25T08:48:56-04:00July 24th, 2019|Comments Off on Climate “call to action” — Never have U.S. doctors been so foolish

Battery storage is an infinitesimal part of electrical power

Large-scale storage is only an insignificant part of the electrical power industry and doomed to remain so for decades to come. Intermittent wind and solar remain a foolish energy choice.

|2019-06-30T16:31:10-04:00July 2nd, 2019|Comments Off on Battery storage is an infinitesimal part of electrical power

Why resources aren’t ‘natural’ and will never run out

Most people don’t realize the vast quantity of raw materials available on our planet.

|2019-05-18T21:52:45-04:00May 21st, 2019|Comments Off on Why resources aren’t ‘natural’ and will never run out

The obvious biomass emissions error

BY STEVE GOREHAM: Burning wood for electricity is just one more foolish policy in the “fight” against global warming.

|2019-06-12T13:46:12-04:00February 7th, 2019|Comments Off on The obvious biomass emissions error
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