UN intends central economic control

Are you ready to have a Central American UN bureaucrat oversee a "centralized transformation" of your economy?

|2012-11-21T15:56:30-05:00November 21st, 2012|3 Comments

CFACT takes on UN climate summit in Qatar

CFACT is headed to the Arabian Peninsula -- to Doha, Qatar, for COP18, the UN Conference on Climate Change. The Obama administration is set to begin its first major UN climate negotiation since reelection. EPA already has crippling regulations lined up and ready to go to give the UN's climate campaigners by administrative fiat what they could not achieve through the open legislative process. The main threat is that Obama will cut side deals and agreements in Qatar and then bypass Congress and its vexing checks, balances and democratic process. Is there any limit to Presiden Obama's renewed hubris? Would he, could he dare to use this Qatar conference to set the stage to bind the United States to a full-blown UN climate treaty and then use brinksmanship to push it through this Senate, or the next? Follow every development as it happens on our Qatar action page,

|2012-11-20T16:16:07-05:00November 20th, 2012|Comments Off on CFACT takes on UN climate summit in Qatar

Act now to save the bald eagle!

Submit your comment to the federal register to save our national bird Bald eagles are our national bird. Golden eagles are just as majestic. They have just returned from the verge of extinction, after years of being shot and poisoned. Obama's Department of the Interior and the Fish & Wildlife Service are on the verge of granting industrial wind turbine companies a “programmatic” or blanket license to kill potentially hundreds of eagles every year, for years on end. This is unconscionable. You can help save the eagles by following the instructions below. The Fish & Wildlife Service has proposed a "rule" [...]

|2012-09-17T17:35:22-04:00July 9th, 2012|3 Comments
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