Decarbonization cannot manufacture the products demanded by civilization

The Green New Deal only plans to generate intermittent electricity, but no plans to replace crude oil, the only fossil fuel that is NOT used for electricity.

|2021-12-17T11:48:15-05:00December 18th, 2021|Comments Off on Decarbonization cannot manufacture the products demanded by civilization

EPA’s illegal HFC phaseout rules are innovation killers

EPA's ham-handed implementation of the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act stifles innovation in manufacturing.

|2021-07-13T18:52:38-04:00July 19th, 2021|Comments Off on EPA’s illegal HFC phaseout rules are innovation killers

Biden’s making us dependent on foreign supplies

President Biden has learned very little from countries that went Green where manufacturers and suppliers can't compete with China and India.

|2021-03-23T01:45:48-04:00March 9th, 2021|Comments Off on Biden’s making us dependent on foreign supplies

America needs to use more energy, not less

There is yet hope that America will choose to capitalize on its massive energy reosurces and keep energy costs down to facilitate competitiveness on the world stage -- a world in which energy costs are almost always higher than they are now in many U.S. states. Cheap, reliable energy is a vital resource for anyone building new manufacturing plants -- and creating the jobs to operate them.

|2016-11-10T04:43:33-05:00November 8th, 2016|Comments Off on America needs to use more energy, not less

Powering countries, empowering people

CFACT Senior Policy Analyst Paul Driessen cuts to the point -- that billions of people in Africa, india, and elsewhere are systematically being denied reliable access (or any access) to electricity by cold-hearted bureaucrats and elitist governments who have decided for these people that no electricity is better than fossil fuel electricity (or even hydro). Yet when people do gain access to affordable energy, their productivity can skyrocket.

|2016-09-22T14:30:59-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Comments Off on Powering countries, empowering people
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