The facts keep putting the lie to the global warming campaign’s attempts to scare the world over Antarctica.

There’s much more from Marc Morano at Climate Depot.

Southern ice just keeps on growing, setting record after record. Our warming propaganda pals would like to pooh-pooh all that ice, imagine what they’d say if the ice were shrinking instead of piling up?

Now their big Antarctic glacier story (sorry Suzanne Goldenberg) is collapsing. Studies show the sea to be naturally eroding West Antarctic glaciers, with some melting added in by GEOTHERMAL activity — Not your economic freedom at all!

Meanwhile ice on the other 92% of Antarctica and the seas around it is reaching record extents.

Sea level remains inconveniently stable; not meaningfully changing the rate at which it has varied since before the industrial revolution.

Isn’t it time we call out and put a stop to polar propaganda before the Left taxes us back into the ice age?

Antarctic ice record 7

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