Alarmists blame conditions on global warming

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is chock full of alarmist statements not supported by science. So what else is new? CFACT advisor Larry Bell notes, among other things, that the Earth is some 14% greener than it was 30 years ago, thanks largely to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

|2014-04-07T21:08:07-04:00April 7th, 2014|Comments Off on Alarmists blame conditions on global warming

Fracking is greener than “green”!

Deroy Murdock dispels myths put forward by hysterical opponents of fracking (and by those with vested interests in other energy sources). Natural gas produced from fracked wells means lower CO2 emissions, much less water used in production than for corn ethanol, a much safer environment for wildlife than, for example, wind turbines, and a much smaller imprint than solar cells.

|2014-03-07T22:53:51-05:00March 7th, 2014|4 Comments

Really, Mr. Kerry? So where will you stand on Keystone?

Secretary of State John Kerry actually stated that climate change was the most terrifying "weapon of mass destruction" and that it is all our fault. But a look back at history shows that Senator Kerry voted against the Kyoto Protocol even after his pal, Canadian billionaire Maurice Strong, had declared in 1992 that the world was on a "climate course" leading to a tragedy. Strong later fled to China after his role in the oil-for-food scandal was revealed as just another scam involving the Bill Clinton Administration. And the show goes on.

|2014-02-28T23:28:46-05:00February 28th, 2014|9 Comments

The ever-shifting politics of climate change

Marita Noon notes that the Obama Administration, responding to Big Green billionaires, has stepped up his emphasis on climate policy just as Secretary of State John Kerry is calling climate change a "weapon of mass destruction." While Obama is spending a billion taxpayer dollars, Green billionaire Tom Steyer is throwing another $100 million into the 2014 elections to support candidates who will vote the alarmist line. Yet Noon sees this new power play by Democrats as an opportunity for the opposition to cash in on resentment of higher energy prices and higher prices for consumer goods due to higher energy prices.

|2014-02-28T11:05:50-05:00February 28th, 2014|2 Comments

Global warming’s tree ring circus brings us the costliest show on Earth

In the beginning Stephen Schneider believed in global cooling - then he flipped 180 degrees, rendering his global cooling book useless. Michael Mann invented the hockey stick to "prove" human-caused global warming, yet cherry-picked his tree rings and cheated on his data -- as did Phil Jones and friends in East Anglia. Yet their sins may have been equaled by the phony hearings conducted at Penn State and in the United Kingdom that ignored nearly all of the evidence except that presented by the guys on the griddle. No wonder the world is laughing!

|2014-02-05T19:24:29-05:00February 5th, 2014|8 Comments

The Polar Vortex: Climate alarmism blows hot and cold

Larry Bell once again states the obvious: that polar vortices have been with us for a very long time -- and that the latest cold temperatures are NOT a sign of global warming, as some would have us believe.

|2014-02-07T21:55:31-05:00February 3rd, 2014|8 Comments

Ask the climate alarmists: “Where are the 200 million climate refugees?”

Marita Noon demonstrates from history and the modern record the absurdity of claims by climate scientist Richard Somerville that low-lying areas are under immediate threat from CO2-induced sea level rise and that increasing CO2 is threatening agricultural production. She presenrts evidence showing that sea levels in Roman and Medieval periods were significantly higher than those today, and that the weather today is not as extreme as television forecasters and news anchors would like us to think. Nonetheless, there is a climate threat today -- the Obama-Podesta climate policy agenda.

|2014-01-29T11:10:50-05:00January 27th, 2014|5 Comments

Miss global warming yet? If not, wait, and you just might!

The current winter has seen Americans shivering through some of the coldest temperatures in decades. Antarctic ice is at an all-time high for the summer season there. And Russian scientist Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov is predicting a bicentennial cycle of deep cooling with a Little Ice Age starting perhaps less than half a century from now. Yet the global warmists worry about reducing carbon dioxide emissions and predicted dramatic rises in sea levels as federal regulators shut down coal, nuclear, and even natural gas power plants that are desperately needed to keep people warm -- and make no plans for the possibility of another cold cycle.

|2014-01-21T20:47:51-05:00January 21st, 2014|Comments Off on Miss global warming yet? If not, wait, and you just might!

Defusing the explosive conversation on fracking

The myths about hydraulic fracturing (fracking) are myriad and cynical -- spread by haters of fossil fuels and by those who want to see the United States crippled as a result of shutting down the bulk of the traditional energy sector in favor of heavily subsidized "renewables" and forcing a massive shrinkage of living standards for most Americans (but not the elites). The truth is that fracking has evolved into a virtually benign operation that relies heavily on brackish water that is processed and often reused.

|2014-01-06T12:46:35-05:00December 31st, 2013|79 Comments

Yea! The overheated climate crisis debate is settled.

The crashing end to the global warmiing debate came recently, with the admission by the UN IPCC that there is a glaring disconnect between their climate model projections and observed real-world trends: Everyone now agrees (or admits) that the Earth has not been warming for the past 16 years. And yet, the same IPCC still makes outrageous claims (read bald-faced lies!) in its Fifth Assessment Report that every major natural weather event is extremely massive because of global warming.

|2013-12-08T11:19:33-05:00December 3rd, 2013|3 Comments

History falsifies climate alarmist sea level claims

Climate alarmists may be likened unto those who yell "fire" in a crowded theatre when there is no fire at all. Robert Endlich herein traces the history of sea level change from the Wisconsin Ice Age of 18,000 years ago through to Roman and medieval times and to the modern era. He remarks that sea level is unlikely to be affected in response to tax policies that make energy more expensive and economies less roi

|2013-12-05T07:29:47-05:00December 1st, 2013|9 Comments

Lies my President told me

We all know the President lied (or, more favorably, "misspoke") when he said, "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period." We know the Administration totally fabricated the story that a silly YouTube video was the reason four Americans died in BenGhazi. So why should we be surprised as real-world data and the uncovering of official mischief demonstrate that the "global warming" (or "climate change") hysteria was built on lies and that the real intent was to create a cause celebre for redistributing the world's wealth?

|2013-12-03T02:58:32-05:00December 1st, 2013|16 Comments

A climate of fear, cash, and correctitude

With their heads in the sand, University of Nebraska scientists (sic) are refusing to accept state money to focus on natural causes of climate variation. Driessen and Mitchell suggst they dare not tread far away from the "settled science" that the ONLY notable cause of climate change is human activity -- for fear of getting thrown off the federal government's gravy train. After all, the forebears of today's politicians found Galileo guilty of heresy.

|2013-12-05T19:09:46-05:00November 25th, 2013|11 Comments

Do the Math – Count the cash

Bill McKibben has a new book out called "Do the Math!" This is, of course, new math -- applied to climate science, it means 16 x 0 = 160,000! Or something like that! But his point is simple: we're all gonna die!

|2013-10-28T01:57:52-04:00October 28th, 2013|7 Comments

Life in a climate cataclysm box

Licking her chops at the possibilities, former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson insisted her agency would need 240,000 new employees (at $100,000 a year and up!) just to administer new CO2 regulations -- tripling or even quadrupling EPA's current size. So of course "climate scientists" will lie, cheat, and deceive to hide the truth that the Earth is not warming -- the truth could kill their golden goose!

|2013-10-23T16:47:18-04:00October 18th, 2013|2 Comments
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