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The hockey stick trial


|2024-02-22T10:43:27-05:00February 22nd, 2024|

BY RUPERT DARWALL: Science dies in a D.C. court room.

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The “hockey stick” curve obscures Earth’s CO2 history


|2021-04-13T10:32:29-04:00April 15th, 2021|

When you look at the earth’s historical levels of CO2 you need to microscopically view a small piece of the 600,000,000-year history of CO2 in the graph at the extreme lower right corner to see the “hockey stick” curve.

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Hockey and gas pipelines — Will the New York Islanders be forced out of state?


|2019-04-20T10:47:32-04:00April 20th, 2019|

The Islanders’ playoff success, combined with the New York’s energy policies could result in two things coming true: The team could win the Stanley Cup hockey championship – and be forced out of New York State.

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Michael Mann’s “hockey stick” hypocrisy


|2017-07-26T10:37:56-04:00July 26th, 2017|

Michael Mann has consistently refused to share his temperature proxy data for others to examine, forcing one to wonder what it is he has to hide.

Decision looms in Michael Mann / Tim Ball “hockey stick” lawsuit


|2017-07-24T10:27:25-04:00July 24th, 2017|

After six years of tedious litigation, a court in Vancouver, British Columbia appears set to hand down a ruling involving one of the most controversial claims ever made in support of human-induced global warming. Michael Mann refused to provide his temperature proxy data despite a court order. What is he afraid we'll discover?

Cold kills more than heat & the Hockey Stick that wasn’t


|2013-04-04T14:07:34-04:00April 1st, 2013|

Morano appeared on Canda's Sun TV to discuss why winter cold is killing many times more Britons than heat. He also addresses the stunning admission that a widely publicized study claiming unprecedented warming in the past 100 years was not "statistically robust"--another way of admitting that their conclusions are scientifically baseless.

Elephant seals dispel infamous hockey stick


|2008-05-02T00:00:00-04:00May 2nd, 2008|

The so-called hockey stick graph which shows centuries of stable global temperatures, followed by sharp increases in recent decades, has already been shown to have serious flaws as proof of global warming. But now, according to the World Climate report, new evidence from Antarctica, published by a prestigious international team of scientists further challenges the infamous hockey stick. Their report focuses on elephant seals which are rarely seen in Antarctica today due to the extreme cold, but were abundant in the area over the last few thousand years, as seen by skin and hair samples. With the finding that [...]

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Global warming hockey stick graph is broken


|2007-12-13T00:00:00-05:00December 13th, 2007|

Those who believe in catastrophic global warming often rely on data which show that over the past millennia, global temperatures were relatively constant, but beginning in the late 1800's a dramatic increase occurred as a result of our burning of fossil fuels. While this so-called hockey stick graph is certainly convincing, it seems to contain several flaws. To begin with, it omits a known warming trend called the Medieval Warm Period, which lasted 600 years, as well as the Little Ice Age which followed for another 300 years. Since new research now reveals data flaws and methodological errors, it's [...]

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Elephant seals dispel infamous hockey stick


|2007-01-22T00:00:00-05:00January 22nd, 2007|

The so-called hockey stick graph which shows centuries of stable global temperatures, followed by sharp increases in recent decades, has already been shown to have serious flaws as proof of global warming. But now, according to the World Climate report, new evidence from Antarctica, published by a prestigious international team of scientists further challenges the infamous hockey stick. Their report focuses on elephant seals which are rarely seen in Antarctica today due to the extreme cold, but were apparently abundant in the area over the last few thousand years, as seen by skin and hair samples that were collected. [...]

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CFACT’s mock hockey game at UN conference


|2005-12-06T00:00:00-05:00December 6th, 2005|

When international delegates gathered in Montreal recently for a United Nations conference on global warming, they were greeted by a group of U.S. college students representing the Collegians For A Constructive Tomorrow who played a mock hockey game to illustrate flaws in the Kyoto process.  Comments student activist and game participant Nick Pongratz: "We staged our hockey game between the Rogue nations and the Kyoto Heroes, to draw attention to the fact there is not convincing scientific evidence underlying Kyoto, that the treaty itself is ineffective in addressing climate concerns, and that it is having its most severe impact [...]

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