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REAL climate science shows Trump was right to Exit Paris


|2017-07-09T17:31:04-04:00July 9th, 2017|

Eight top scientists responded to complaints by Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Rafael Reif and others condemning President Trump for withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris climate accords, stating strongly that he had done the right thing for America. The authors cite temperature and other climate data that are at odds with the computer modeling upon which the global warming theory is founded -- and show that myriad claims by warmists are either false or misleading. Number one with a bullet is that carbon dioxide is a killer when in fact is is the life-giving catalyst for plant growth.

Dear Mr. President: Please exit Paris


|2017-05-31T09:28:57-04:00May 31st, 2017|

CFACT Senior Policy Advisor Paul K. Driessen -- with colleague Mark J. Carr -- explain in an open letter to President Trump five major reasons to exit the Paris climate agreement -- which was designed to cripple the U.S. economy and enrich elitists while devastating the ability of the world's poor to escape poverty.

Trump eyes politicized climate, energy budgets


|2017-03-27T15:18:02-04:00March 27th, 2017|

CAFCT policy analyst Larry Bell reports that the Trump Administration is taking serious aim at waste, fake science, and mission creep at the nation's executive branch bureaucracies -- notably the EPA, NASA, NOAA, and the Department of Energy. Politicized climate "research" is being defunded, and the President wants to return NASA to its primary focus on space exploration. There will no longer be wasteful outright grants and unsecured loans to green energy comanies.

The hidden agendas of sustainability illusions


|2017-02-10T05:56:21-05:00February 9th, 2017|

Like “dangerous manmade climate change,” sustainability reflects poor understanding of basic energy, economic, resource extraction, and manufacturing principles – and a tendency to emphasize tautologies and theoretical models as an alternative to readily observable evidence in the Real World. It also involves well-intended but ill-informed people being led by ill-intended but well-informed activists who use the concept to gain greater government control over people’s lives, livelihoods, and living standards.

The Renewable Fuel Standard: “set up for fraud”


|2016-08-02T10:33:19-04:00August 1st, 2016|

Marita Noon shows how the Renewable Fuel Standard, which mandates the use of biodiesel (and ethanol) in increasing amounts, was "set up for fraud" -- and that many criminals have found the RFS as a lucrative vehicle for quick profit. Some are getting caught, but the only real way to stop this is to sunset or outright repeal the RFS.

Hillary’s energy policies


|2016-08-02T10:09:08-04:00July 26th, 2016|

Hillary will ensure her supporter's green energy investments pay off by demanding that America go green.

Rooftop solar companies will only play if the game is stacked in their favor


|2016-04-04T18:36:48-04:00April 4th, 2016|

The past couple of weeks have highlighted the folly of the energy policies favored by left-leaning advocacy agencies that, rather than allowing consumers and markets to choose, require government mandates and subsidies. Three major, but very different, solar entities—none of which would exist without such political preference—are now facing their demise.  Even with the benefit of tax credits, low-interest loans, and cash grants that state and federal governments have bestowed on them, the solar industry is struggling. We’ve seen Abengoa—which I’ve followed for years—file for bankruptcy. Ivanpah, the world’s biggest solar power tower project in the California desert, is threatened with [...]

Greens terrified cheap energy will kill wind and solar


|2016-02-23T07:40:12-05:00February 23rd, 2016|

Cheap coal, oil and natural gas are outcompeting wind and solar power despite massive government support, and environmentalists are really upset about it.

Biden “stimulus” anniversary tour avoids Obama’s hand-picked, bankrupt green energy project


|2016-02-22T21:38:21-05:00February 22nd, 2016|

In a week of big news stories, few noticed the 7-year anniversary of Obama’s $800 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act—signed into law on February 17, 2009. Commonly known as the “Stimulus Bill,” Politico calls it “one of the Administration’s most consequential and least popular initiatives.” In fact, according to Politico, “The package of tax cuts and government spending…became so unpopular that the word ‘stimulus’ disappeared from the Administration’s rhetoric.”  Despite the bill’s reputation, on Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden embarked on a three-city victory tour to celebrate the anniversary of the act for which he oversaw the implementation.  His first stop was New Orleans. [...]

NYT: Obama gave himself too much credit for energy successes


|2016-01-15T22:19:30-05:00January 15th, 2016|

The New York Times took some shine off President Barack Obama’s green energy pronouncements made in Tuesday’s State of the Union address. The newspaper stated Wednesday that much of the energy successes under the Obama administration came from oil companies and the private market.

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