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China laughs as the “woke” West self-implodes


|2022-01-04T12:39:13-05:00January 6th, 2022|

As China builds more and more coal-fired power plants, consolidates its stranglehold on rare-earth metals vital for 21st century economies, and extends its influence into America’s backyard, “woke” Westerners are marching like lemmings toward the energy poverty cliff.

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China and India drive coal to record highs


|2021-12-23T11:01:54-05:00December 23rd, 2021|

China and India's stockings are full of coal... and they're loving it!

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COP 26: U.S.-China Climate Declaration Official Text


|2021-11-13T18:08:33-05:00November 13th, 2021|

U.S. and Chinese climate envoys John Kerry and Xie Zhenhua agreed to this official joint declaration.

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CFACT’s Morano on Fox primetime: Biden will do bidding of Russia, China at UN climate summit in Glasgow


|2021-11-15T14:51:54-05:00October 29th, 2021|

CFACT's Marc Morano appeared on Fox News Primetime with Brian Kilmeade (Broadcast on October 28,2021), to blast President Joe Biden's trip to Glasgow, Scotland for the UN COP 26 Climate Summit. Morano said Biden would be doing "the bidding" of Russia and China by shutting down American energy to make the U.S.A. more dependent on foreign imports. CFACT and Marc Morano will be attending COP26 in person - stay tuned for updates directly from inside the summit. Read more on CFACT climate skeptic delegation here on Climate Depot. The full Fox News segment can be viewed here: [...]

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Climate activists just can’t stop praising communist China’s one-party state. Watch new Morano Minute


|2021-11-12T15:38:35-05:00October 27th, 2021|

The democratic process is an inconvenience that many climate activists can't wait to do without.

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A mad rush for coal as China and India suspend climate correctness


|2021-10-13T00:31:44-04:00October 14th, 2021|

During the first week of October 2021, both India and China made desperate attempts to buy the stranded Australian coal shipments in China’s port warehouses. The coal shipments, which were originally intended to be imported into China, were left stranded at the port after China banned the import of Australian coal last year. Despite this ban, China has now unloaded some of the shipments due to unprecedented demand for coal and electricity in the country. India’s industries too have made a dash to secure some of these stranded shipments as a severe coal shortage has gripped India. So, what can we [...]

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Biden’s plan: Slash U.S. fossil fuels, rely on China for renewables


|2021-10-12T10:39:56-04:00October 12th, 2021|

China’s “peak carbon” plan is to install as much fossil fuel power as possible by 2030 – and use that cheap, reliable energy to manufacture wind, solar and battery technologies for export.

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A mad rush for coal: China and India suspend climate correctness


|2021-10-11T20:30:34-04:00October 12th, 2021|

Coal and India are looking for all the coal they can get.

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Joe Biden’s policies increase U.S. dependence on China


|2021-09-27T21:31:53-04:00September 27th, 2021|

Domestic rare-earth mining is being thwarted by green regulations.

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World’s dirtiest cities list raises issue: Why don’t politicians call out China?


|2021-09-09T11:55:10-04:00September 9th, 2021|

BY DAVID HOLT: A new tally of global cities’ emissions finds that the top 25 are responsible for 52% of the planet’s urban greenhouse gas emissions. Twenty-three of those are in China.

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