Marita Noon: How to win the war on fossil fuels

Simply put, it is time to get to work to defeat the enemies of freedom and prosperity who are running the show in Washington, DC. The anti-energy crowd is fighting hard to shut down all coal, oil, and natural gas operations in the U.S. (and worldwide), but that will harm people and the environment. Armed with the facts and common sense, there is work to be done to spread the message.

|2016-01-26T12:11:56-05:00January 22nd, 2016|9 Comments

2016 will influence climate debate outcome

The only real "change" that President Obama actually intends to accomplish under his climate change agenda is the destruction of the oil and gas, coal, and nuclear industries and any other related industries (chemicals, for one) that rely on these products. That, along with adding another half a million to a million people to the unemployment rolls (or rather, the never again to be employed rolls).

|2016-01-04T14:39:14-05:00January 4th, 2016|Comments Off on 2016 will influence climate debate outcome

With the Paris climate conference complete, what comes next, what will it cost you, and what can you do about it?

If the “keep it in the ground” movement is successful, government services—including education, first responders, and hospitals and healthcare—must be cut, taxes on everything must go up, and electricity rates will “necessarily skyrocket.” Western civilization is based on successful mining and farming—which the antis want to block.

|2015-12-15T02:56:35-05:00December 14th, 2015|11 Comments

‘Martin Act’ targets ExxonMobil for phony climate alarm

The New York Attorney General is using an obscure 1921 law -- originally aimed at stock-sale fraud -- to attack ExxonMobil with threats of prison time for its principals. Some Democratic Congress members have demanded a Securities and Exchange Commission and Justice Department investigation of ExxonMobil in much the same way they went after the tobacco industry in the 1990s, and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D, RI) wants a RICO investigation of the company. The only problem: the "Crime" they want ExxonMobil prosecuted for never happened except in the twisted minds of the would-be judges and juries.

|2015-11-23T14:59:36-05:00November 23rd, 2015|Comments Off on ‘Martin Act’ targets ExxonMobil for phony climate alarm

On climate change, Catholic leaders must believe in miracles

While Catholic leaders, led by Pope Francis, are focused on curbing global warming (aka curbing the use of fossil fuels) as the most urgent means of combating poverty, the facts are that cheap, reliable energy and access to jobs and markets is what the poor need most. And, not surprisingly, the poor know it -- ranking "climate change" the LEAST important concern in their lives, with food and education at the top.

|2015-11-11T12:42:51-05:00November 11th, 2015|Comments Off on On climate change, Catholic leaders must believe in miracles

We need protection from the EPA

The EPA is becoming notorious for faking its cost-benefit numbers to justify onerous, and environmentally useless, regulations that will impose billions of dollars in compliance costs, cost many jobs, and seriously weaken the U.S. economy -- that is, unless the federal courts shoot them down for failing to follow the law. From the Clean Power Plan's assault on life-giving carbon dioxide to particulate matter and methane and more, the EPA is shameless in using buddy-reviewed (rather than truly peer-reviewed) research (often hidden from even the oversight of Congress to avoid any scrutiny) and even anecdotal material to justify regulations with enormous economic consequences. This, says CFACT advisor Larry Bell, must stop.

|2015-10-26T18:06:28-04:00October 26th, 2015|6 Comments

Shaking out the lies surrounding earthquakes and hydraulic fracturing

Once again, CFACT advisor Marita Noon sheds light on the lies of the anti-fracking, anti-fossil-fuel crowd. This time she shows how Leftists falsely claim that fracking is a significant cause of earthquakes, when in fact science has shown that the problem is oversaturation due to reinjection of produced water into deep wells. The truth is that fracking operations often can use this water that otherwise would be reinjected, minimizing the problem.

|2015-10-19T14:16:25-04:00October 19th, 2015|5 Comments

Alarmists want skeptics prosecuted under RICO

Climate campaigning scientists want anyone who points out the flaws in their work prosecuted as organized criminals under RICO.

|2015-10-01T05:14:17-04:00September 30th, 2015|75 Comments

The Pope, climate change, and Volkswagen

Bumping up against reality in her desire to be known as a Green guru, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is forced to rely on coal after shuttering nuclear power plants. Similarly, German auto maker Volkswagen realized the technology did not exist to meet stringent emissions standards for diesel vehicles and so came up with a scheme to game the system. Now they are being ordered to come up with a fis -- that likely does not exist.

|2015-09-29T09:07:29-04:00September 28th, 2015|32 Comments

Obama’s Alaska trip: where were the polar bears?

Polar bear populations in the Arctic are at record numbers (at least since humans started recording them), so it should be no surprise that all of a sudden President Obama is NOT talking about them. Instead, on his recent Alaska trip, he called for more icebreaker ships at a time he is also trying to claim that Arctic ice is shrinking (when it is not) and glaciers are retreating (which they have been doing for well over a century).

|2015-09-09T23:00:19-04:00September 9th, 2015|45 Comments

Renewable energy claims are unsustainable

A possible hidden agenda in the UN's Agenda 21 is world depopulation through not allowing sub-Saharan Africans, for example, the opportunity to improve their standards of living via modern technology, even affordable electricity. Even worse, the grandiose schemes for renewable energy only are ilkely to result in a collapse of the energy grids due to the intermittent nature of wind and solar energy.

|2015-09-09T19:24:50-04:00September 9th, 2015|100 Comments

The climate alarm industry is scientifically bankrupt

Increasingly, pub lic policy is becoming the captive of a new scientific-technological elite that produces fatally flawed research that seeks not the truth but rather to sculpt data that fit their theory of the world. Indeed, many scientific journals have been publishing bogus studies which reference nonexistent data. A primary reason is that most climate research funding comes from public alarm-dependent agenda-driven government sponsors and their Green activist acolytes.

|2016-03-24T13:30:39-04:00August 31st, 2015|2 Comments

Climate statism: Science, poverty, free speech at Issue

“Over the past three decades, fossil fuels helped 1.3 billion people get electricity and escape debilitating energy poverty – over 830 million because of coal. However, 1.3 billion people (the population of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Europe combined) still do not have electricity…. That is why climate change is a “critical moreal issue." Scientists who question the supposed “consensus” on climate change are routinely labeled “skeptics” or even “deniers,” in a not-so-subtle reference to Holocaust denial. It is an absurd charge. All of us agree that climate change has been “real” since Earth and human history began. It is ongoing, [...]

|2015-08-24T10:42:27-04:00August 19th, 2015|5 Comments

Twin peaks – twin lies

The elites are at war against the Earth's people -- and they are using the United Nations (and the EPA) as their strike force. CFACT senior advisor Paul Driessen and fusion energy advocate Tom Tamarkin note that the elites are seeking complete micro-management of the energy and living standards for every individual on the planet (except, of course, the elites). This is akin to the reintroduction of serfdom (maybe even slavery).

|2015-07-01T08:33:59-04:00June 25th, 2015|4 Comments

EPA analyst exposes climate science takeover

Alan Carlin should know -- he's been there. The EPA began to phase out independent scientists during the 1990s, and the Obama Administration has finished the job -- such that the "science" from the EPA is whatever the government wants it to say. It is long past time for a change back to scientific inquiry that does not have to lead to a foregone conclusion.

|2015-06-22T15:21:45-04:00June 22nd, 2015|2 Comments
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