Wyoming farmer in EPA’s crosshairs

Wyoming farmer Andy Johnson is the unlikely target of an EPA vendetta -- facing tens of millions of dollars in fines for daring to build a stock pond -- which the Clean Water Act specifically bars the agency from regulating -- on his property after obtaining all the required state permits. Meanwhile, the agency is facing no penalties at all for its massive spill of metals-laden water into the Animas River in New Mexico.

|2015-09-11T12:47:51-04:00September 9th, 2015|4 Comments

Property owners stand up to National Park Service bullying

Tom and Kathy Stocklen fought the National Park Service for over 40 years and retired with their property intact, despite repeated efforts, even threats, by NPS bureaucrats to take their land in Michigan's Sleeping Bear Dunes Natioanl Lakeshore. Curiously, the NPS has recently ended four decades of dredging the Platte River, where the Stocklens placed their canoes, for safe navigation. Clearly, Washington thinks that landowners are public nuisances.

|2015-08-20T08:07:17-04:00August 19th, 2015|Comments Off on Property owners stand up to National Park Service bullying

Climate statism: Science, poverty, free speech at Issue

“Over the past three decades, fossil fuels helped 1.3 billion people get electricity and escape debilitating energy poverty – over 830 million because of coal. However, 1.3 billion people (the population of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Europe combined) still do not have electricity…. That is why climate change is a “critical moreal issue." Scientists who question the supposed “consensus” on climate change are routinely labeled “skeptics” or even “deniers,” in a not-so-subtle reference to Holocaust denial. It is an absurd charge. All of us agree that climate change has been “real” since Earth and human history began. It is ongoing, [...]

|2015-08-24T10:42:27-04:00August 19th, 2015|5 Comments

Climate alarmism helps Republicans

Recent history shows that strident actions by radical Greens has had negative impacts for Democratic Party candidates in followup elections. Current polls show growing disinterest in environmentalist causes, and for good reason. The cataclysmic predictions have just not come true. Frustration increases as government impsoes ever more stringent regulations to solve a problem fewer and fewer consider important. In short, keep up the good work, guys!

|2015-06-30T02:43:31-04:00June 30th, 2015|2 Comments

Ducks Unlimited, Virginia winery face off in court over land-use restrictions

Cronyism once again rears its ugly head, as Big Conservation seeks to infringe upon the rights of American property owners to use their land lawfully for profit and for the benefit of customers who make their businesses grow. This time. it is a small Virginia winery, but next time it may be you wanting to add a barbecue pit or even a hot tub. Hopefully, the courts will side with the property owners this time -- but we must be eternally vigilant against these interlopers who seek godlike status in our society.

|2015-06-26T16:11:47-04:00June 26th, 2015|2 Comments

Twin peaks – twin lies

The elites are at war against the Earth's people -- and they are using the United Nations (and the EPA) as their strike force. CFACT senior advisor Paul Driessen and fusion energy advocate Tom Tamarkin note that the elites are seeking complete micro-management of the energy and living standards for every individual on the planet (except, of course, the elites). This is akin to the reintroduction of serfdom (maybe even slavery).

|2015-07-01T08:33:59-04:00June 25th, 2015|4 Comments

Greens, Feds team up to link land-use restrictions to climate change

The behemoth that is the federal bureaucracy is wholly unaccountable to the people whom they are now pushing around via massive new regulations -- Obama style -- that take away private property rights without due process or even a hearing. Washington is out of control and must be reined in,

|2015-06-23T12:01:08-04:00June 23rd, 2015|Comments Off on Greens, Feds team up to link land-use restrictions to climate change

Big oil lies low on climate debate

Because big companies today have learned that they are "too big to fail," even the oil and gas companies whose businesses are under attack from the Green Left are for the most part unwilling to publicly challenge the false and misleading assumptions upon which Green mis-eonomics is based -- or even the strangling regulations that they will have to abide by. The chief reason: They can pass on costs to consumers and they do not want the negative regulatory attention that resistance to bureaucratic fiat can bring.

|2015-06-08T16:16:50-04:00June 8th, 2015|Comments Off on Big oil lies low on climate debate

Pope’s climate position will hurt poor countries

An April report issued by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences presents a likely sneak preview of an “Apostolic Exhortation” that Pope Francis will introduce at a UN General Assembly meeting later this year. Headlined to “Safeguard Creation,” it will warn of dire threats posed by human-caused climate change which, in turn, are rooted in excessive capitalist consumption. The message draws directly from religious doctrine of the United Nations, its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in particular. Following the IPCC script, the solution to global ills and disparities is to replace fossil energy with anemic, [...]

|2015-06-02T12:39:17-04:00June 2nd, 2015|13 Comments

What will America look like if the environmentalists win?

Coleman Alderson's new book, Mountain Whispers, Days without Sun, paints a gripping picture of how the Global Energy Enforcement Organization (GEEO) takes control of every aspect of our lives, leaving people struggling to survive a bleak existence. CFACT policy analyst Marita Noon recommends this book to those who worry about a total Green victory over those who seek freedom and prosperity.

|2015-05-22T16:55:35-04:00May 18th, 2015|25 Comments

Prospectors, North Carolina land trust face off over access to gold

While the Land Trust of Central North Carolina did purchase some property along the Uwharrie River, their attempts to stifle suction dredging by local prospectors looking for gold may have run afoul of North Carolina law -- the prospectors surely think that the state, not the Land Trust, owns the riverbed and thus the Land Trust has no right to impede the dredging.

|2015-05-08T15:09:58-04:00May 8th, 2015|7 Comments

Powerful anti-fossil energy lobbies target students

America's colleges and universities used to take pride in "free speech" -- but today, billionaires and power brokers have conspired to pressure the halls of academe to stifle any dissent to the mantras of the Far Left. Hopefully, today's students will be wise enough to consider that something so feared that it cannot even be mentioned might just be more of a threat to the powers that be than to their own understanding of reality.

|2015-05-07T09:03:48-04:00May 4th, 2015|40 Comments

The Pope embraces the religion of global warming

Pope Francis, some say, has joined with enemies of the Catholic Church to endorse the global warming agenda. CFACT policy analyst Marita Noon reports on how other Christians are convinced this is a bad move.

|2015-05-04T22:32:34-04:00May 4th, 2015|34 Comments

The American people aren’t stupid enough to buy the manmade climate crisis narrative

The American people are increasingly not buying into the global warming (er, climate change) scary scenarios, but the Green Left, led by Al Gore, is responding by turning up the heat -- and increasingly seeking to silence opposition they cannot control. That this is a losing technique escapes notice because they believe that nobody cares enough about stopping them to resist and overcome the firings, threats of prison time, and even worse from the shrill sirens of statism.

|2015-04-14T15:05:55-04:00April 14th, 2015|185 Comments

Shakeup at Virginia land trust makes waves

Heather Richards may have resigned from her job with the Piedmont Environmental Council, but she is in a position of even greater authority now as chair of the Land Trust Accredication Commission -- and one wonders whether other land trusts are also abusing power as the PEC clearly did. As for Richards, she cannot even seem to tell the truth about her upbringing.

|2015-04-10T11:11:56-04:00April 10th, 2015|5 Comments
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