With coal in decline, how will we pay to reclaim abandoned mine lands?

As coal production falls, so do fees paid to the abandoned mine land program.

|2020-04-15T20:23:51-04:00April 19th, 2020|Comments Off on With coal in decline, how will we pay to reclaim abandoned mine lands?

Past, present and future progress requires mining

Metal and mineral needs are constant, constantly evolving, requiring new mines.

|2019-08-07T10:30:55-04:00August 9th, 2019|Comments Off on Past, present and future progress requires mining

Back to the Future? Will America choose minerals dependence or freedom?

A review of the new book "Ground Breaking: America’s New Quest for Mineral Independence," by Ned Mamula and Ann Bridges.

|2019-07-27T23:49:07-04:00July 29th, 2019|Comments Off on Back to the Future? Will America choose minerals dependence or freedom?

How to break Australia’s backbone

Every day, vested interests, toxic environmentalists and green alarmists (often foreign-funded or tax-exempted) are using every worry they can discover or invent to break the backbone of Australia.

|2019-04-29T09:26:59-04:00April 29th, 2019|Comments Off on How to break Australia’s backbone

Presidential orders seek to kickstart mining industry revival

History was made in March when federal officials gave the green light for construction and operation of copper mines in Arizona and Minnesota. Credit a pair of presidential orders designed to guarantee America's supply of vital resources.

|2019-04-25T23:23:36-04:00April 27th, 2019|Comments Off on Presidential orders seek to kickstart mining industry revival

Callous CALAS activists against the poor

CFACT Senior Policy Advisor Paul Driessen recounts the terrible destruction of families through the forced closure of mining operations in Peru in the recent past and today in Guatemala -- led by a coalition of rich, mostly white liberal "social justice" warriors who fund radical activists to do their dirty work. Sadly, the courts in these Central and South American countries have allowed these protests with no input from the operators, the mine workers, or even fair-minded citizens.

|2017-08-27T19:45:47-04:00August 27th, 2017|Comments Off on Callous CALAS activists against the poor

The Big Green job-killing machine

The Center for Biological Diversity -- an offshoot of the violent radical group Earth First!, -- has been systematically using the Endangered Species Act to shut down jobs in the timber, mining, and other industries that once were major job suppliers in Western States. Worse, federal judges have been going along with this unwarranted taking of property and income for decades. It is time that this stops.

|2016-04-01T17:53:50-04:00April 1st, 2016|2 Comments

Is this any way to treat the job creators?

Energy expert Marita Noon notes that the U.S. economy has an awful record for jobs creation under President Obama, and gives "kudos" to the President and the U.S. Forest Service for their work in keeping people out of work -- whether it is the long-delayed Keystone Pipeline project or the FInley Basin Exploration Projecty in Montana, the strategy is delay, delay, delay -- so they cannot be blamed for saying No but will never say Yes.

|2014-01-24T00:35:19-05:00January 21st, 2014|2 Comments

Mining companies not digging U.S. red tape

Rare earth mining is crucial to modern life providing critical minerals used for a wide array of products from iPhones to computers.

|2014-04-14T16:48:43-04:00December 26th, 2013|Comments Off on Mining companies not digging U.S. red tape

Colorado monument designation would quash mining claims

Yet another effort to take away the mineral wealth of the United States in looming in Colorado, thanks to Sen. Mark Udall. Even worse, the Obama Administration could just speak the Browns Canyon National Monument and Wilderness Area into being, just as President Clinton robbed Utah of much of its mineral wealth via the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

|2013-12-21T12:13:03-05:00December 21st, 2013|2 Comments

Battle brews over proposed copper mine in Minnesota’s Iron Range

Plans by PolyMet Mining Corp. to open a copper and nickel mine in Minnesota are putting Governor Mark Dayton on the hot seat and dividing the Democratic Farmer-Labor Party just months before Gov. Dayton faces a reelection campaign in 2014. Green DFLers oppose the project, whereas Iron Range DFL members are among its strongest supporters. Demand for copper and nickel is soaring, and despite U.S. financial support for the Roy Hill Mine in Australia, the PolyMet mine would likely stimulate the local economy.

|2013-12-21T10:01:04-05:00December 21st, 2013|Comments Off on Battle brews over proposed copper mine in Minnesota’s Iron Range

Mining policy designed to benefit our own: Mighty rare

With China controlling 85% of the world's production of rare earth elements, the rest of the world -- and in particular, the U.S. economy -- is beholden to China for its own natioanl security and the future of its high-tech economy. This could change with a determined effort to overcome environmentalist objections and reinvigorate U.S. production of many of these valuable minerals. But will enough politicians decide that jobs and security are more valuable than keeping minerals-bearing domestic lands "pristine"?

|2013-11-05T15:41:00-05:00November 5th, 2013|1 Comment

U.S. Leads the World in Red Tape for Mining Projects

What’s the most inhospitable country in the world to the mining of precious metals or minerals? The United States of America – hands down.

|2013-02-05T13:06:45-05:00February 6th, 2013|3 Comments

“Under-mining” renewable energy potential

Everyone knows that environmentalists support the expansion of renewable energy, but is their opposition to mining hurting their own cause? Well according to a new report by the National Center for Public Policy Research, the answer appears to be “yes,” especially when it comes to environmentalist opposition to copper mining.

|2012-12-11T17:23:50-05:00November 6th, 2012|Comments Off on “Under-mining” renewable energy potential
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