Fracking in Texas: What do students think?

Given that Texas leads the nation in oil and gas production, and that hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has been the driver in this jobs renaissance, one might think that Texas college students, especially at the state's flagship university, would be well informed on oil and gas production and on fracking in particular. The truth is that, despite the fact that cheap energy is vital for economic growth and expensive energy hurts the poor and those on fixed incomes the most, about half of the students interviewed had no opinion or just did not know what fracking is. This creates an opportunity for education -- and if Texas students are so uninformed, one might assume that students in other states might also benefit from a sound public education campaign like Real Energy Not Green Energy.

|2014-10-25T13:46:10-04:00October 25th, 2014|Comments Off on Fracking in Texas: What do students think?

Regcession—why Americans aren’t feeling Obama’s “vigorous recovery”

Marita Noon asks, rather than complain when U.S. businesses take jobs overseas, why not just create a more favorable business climate here at home? One reason, she notes, is the penchant for the EPA and other federal agencies to over-regulate business and industry, adding costs and shrinking opportunities. She encourages everyone to watch a new film, “Regcession: The EPA is Destroying America,” on YouTube.

|2014-10-17T01:15:18-04:00October 13th, 2014|3 Comments

“We can do it better”—Scotland and the West parallels

One of the motivators behind the Scotland independence movement is that the U.K. government takes all of the revenue from Scotland's sizable oil and gas production, with the perceived result that this holds back Scotland's economic growth. Similarly, many American states are realizing that the federal government's ownership and control of land (much of it federally owned or seized) is limiting local economic growth via policies that make little sense to local residents. The push for local control is fast becoming a burning desire of growing numbers of people across America -- and the world.

|2014-09-25T09:14:46-04:00September 25th, 2014|1 Comment

Don’t give up America’s economic and competitive advantage

In the midst of beheadings, Russia's troop buildup inside Ukraine, and Ebola cases skyrocketing, Hillary Clinton made the claim that climate change “is the most consequential, urgent, sweeping collection of challenges we face as a nation and a world.” How bizarre! Even in Germany, where subsidies have built a gigantic solar industry, solar produced only 0.1% of the nation's energy in the month of January. America, notes Marita Noon, has abundant coal, oil and natural gas resources that we ought not squander.

|2014-09-09T13:25:02-04:00September 9th, 2014|Comments Off on Don’t give up America’s economic and competitive advantage

Let’s tax the climate alarm industry

Global warming as policy is enriching the few at the expense of the many -- and doing nothing to improve the environment or lower global temperatures. So CFACT advisor Dr. Larry Bell suggests we find a way to tax those who are profiting from this distortion of science.

|2014-09-07T10:49:24-04:00September 2nd, 2014|Comments Off on Let’s tax the climate alarm industry

Pummeling Coal Country families

President Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is about anything BUT protection of the American people and their economic future. Instead, the EPA has proposed regulations -- based on spurious research -- that will devastate families in coal states (and everywhere else as well as a result), kill millions of jobs, and force the cost of electricity to "skyrocket." These smug bureaucrats refuse to disclose their research, their economic projections, or any other data that they allegedly used to develop these proposed standards -- and they have been stonewalling even Congress, demonstrating their unabashed arrogance. It is time that the people rose up, demanded action by their elected representatives to stop the EPA's onslaught on America, and bring the whole truth to light about these rules and the shenanigans of those who seek to impose them on us.

|2014-08-28T19:11:54-04:00August 26th, 2014|1 Comment

No court for you! Fifth Circuit denies right to appeal wetlands determinations

WOTUS run amok. Feds say you have wetlands and you disagree? No court for you!

|2014-08-22T15:18:43-04:00August 22nd, 2014|4 Comments

Trampling on coal country families

Coal mining families are the collateral damage from President Obama's war on coal.

|2014-08-19T15:33:03-04:00August 19th, 2014|Comments Off on Trampling on coal country families

Colorado Dems frack backtrack is all about November

CFACT Advisor Marita Noon points to a primary election in New Mexico as the impetus for Colorado Democrats to back away from legislation to curtail hydraulic fracturing (fracking), a measure that would hurt Colorado's economy and quite likely the chances for Democrats there to win elections this fall. Cynical? You betcha! If they should win in November, will these measures be back on the table?

|2014-08-11T18:54:34-04:00August 11th, 2014|Comments Off on Colorado Dems frack backtrack is all about November

Testimony on EPA’s proposed rules for existing power plants — Arlington, Virginia

If its Clean Power Plan rule is allowed to go into effect, EPA will subject the country to a wrenching transformation of its energy sector that cannot be justified by the available scientific evidence or the damage it will inflict on ordinary citizens and the environment.

|2014-07-30T22:30:07-04:00July 30th, 2014|1 Comment

Congressional Budget Office: Doing its job on biofuels

Dave Juday points out that the Congressional Budget Office, created during the Nixon Administration to be a nonpartisan evaluator, is doing its job by reporting that with no changes to the renewable fuel standard, the price of diesel fuel will jump by 30 to 51 cents per gallon, with E10 gasoline prices rising 13 to 26 cents per gallon. The EPA has already admitted it needs to lower the biofuels requirement for 2014, but it is nearly August and no final action has been taken. This, Juday notes, frustrates policymakers, analysts, and most of all gasoline and diesel marketers. comending that the government make changes to the EPA's renewable fuel standard to reflect real-world

|2014-07-23T16:16:37-04:00July 23rd, 2014|Comments Off on Congressional Budget Office: Doing its job on biofuels

Australia smacks down climate lobby’s scare mongering

While many are celebrating (and others condemning) Australia's vote to repeal its carbon tax, Marita Noon points out that the country's Renewable Energy Target must also be repealed in order to reverse the 70% increase in Australian energy bills that has come from this infatuation with "Green" policies.

|2014-07-23T17:12:53-04:00July 21st, 2014|Comments Off on Australia smacks down climate lobby’s scare mongering

Killing marine life with ethanol

Paul Driessen explains the damage done to the Gulf of Mexico from nitrogen fertilizer runoff that flows down the Mississippi and creates massive dead zones (no oxygen) that kill marine life. This is on top of other problems caused by adding ethanol to gasoline -- poor engine performance, higher food prices, and more

|2014-07-21T09:37:36-04:00July 21st, 2014|3 Comments

Supreme Court to Obama Administration: You cannot rewrite laws to achieve your political agenda

Marita Noon cites the recent Supreme Court decision in Utility Air Regulatory Group (UARG) v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as providing a cause for litigation against the EPA's proposed regulations on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. The key sentences in Justice Antonin Scalia's opinion are these: "When an agency claims to discover in a long-extant statute an unheralded power to regulate 'a significant portion of the American economy' . . . we typically greet its announcement with a measure of skepticism. We expect Congress to speak clearly if it wishes to assign an agency decisions of vast 'economic and political significance'.”

|2014-07-14T15:22:05-04:00July 14th, 2014|5 Comments

Big Green’s lethal agenda

Paul Driessen explains that the Deep Ecologists and their allies who endorse "sustainability," the "precautionary principle," and other barriers to resource development that would improve human lives must answer for the millions of premature (often women and children) deaths that are the result of their policies. He says these people are callous and indifferent to human suffering.

|2014-07-11T13:22:08-04:00July 11th, 2014|2 Comments
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