With an ever-increasing amount of the world’s population expected to be concentrated in urban areas in the decades to come, the United Nations and allied national governments as well as green non-governmental organizations (NGOs) hope to use the sheer power of demographics to transform the energy, housing, and transportation sectors in the name of combating climate change.

Jean Francois Gagné of the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) told participants at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador that, for the first time, global emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, had flattened out, even as the world’s economy showed some sign of recovery. He welcomed this as evidence that measures adopted by national governments to lower manmade levels of carbon dioxide were beginning to have an effect.

Asked by this correspondent whether the emergence of hyhabitat-iii-bonner-question-2draulic fracturing (fracking), a technology that rose in the private sector independently of national or global mandates, had anything to do with curtailing CO2 emissions, Gagne answered in the affirmative. Gagne acknowledged the role of private-sector innovation … but added that it was government’s job to set the parameters within which such innovation could take place. This is in line with the notion of public-private partnerships that globalists have been pushing to get industry on their side. It’s a clever strategy, because many large corporations are eager to look green, and to take advantage of whatever energy-related regulations and subsidies governments adopt.

The Price of Demonizing CO2

Speaker after speaker at Habitat III called for “decarbonizing” the world. Carbon, without which life on earth would not be possible, is to be eliminated. And levels of carbon dioxide are to be ruthlessly suppressed. It appears never to have occurred to these people that CO2 is plant food. Driving down levels of CO2 will be disastrous for agriculture. The world’s population is projected to reach 8 billion by mid-century, and these people will have to be fed. For an organization that prides itself on its concern for the world’s poor, the UN’s war on carbon dioxide shows precious little understanding of the real problems facing people in poverty.

On the contrary, participants at Habitat III were urged to acquire three new UN anti-fossil-fuel publications. Two of them are books, “Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning,” and “Addressing Climate Change in National Urban Policy.” For those will less time on their hands, there is a handy “fact sheet” titled “City and Climate Change Initiative.” All are available online to ensure the widest possible distribution.

In addition to dissemination global-warming propaganda, Habitat III is serving as a platform for other really bad ideas. Germany’s exhibition, for example, warns against the perils of “gated communities.” Never mind that many of Germany’s government buildings are gated and guarded by burly men carrying automatic weapons. So it’s okay for bureaucrats to enjoy a measure of protection while ordinary citizens will have to make do with being herded into the compact cities the UN wants to put up everywhere.

There is, according to the organizers of Habitat III, one standard for the high and mighty … and one for the rest of us.