About Larry Bell

CFACT Advisor Larry Bell heads the graduate program in space architecture at the University of Houston. He founded and directs the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture. He is also the author of "Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax."

American energy finally wins its independence

The 2016 election marks a turning around of U.S. energy policy back toward true "all of the above," with a focus first on using domestic oil, natural gas, and coal resources -- and other energy sources -- to keep the price of energy low, helping consumers and attracting business development. Exploiting domestic resources also creates jobs -- which the American people have demanded.

|2016-11-14T17:05:19-05:00November 14th, 2016|Comments Off on American energy finally wins its independence

Do people fear clowns over climate change?

If you distrust different polls ranking Hillary and Donald as scariest presidential choices, how about conflicting surveys comparing people more afraid of clowns than global warming? According to an October 15-17 Vox Morning Consult poll of 1,999 Americans, clown fright beat out climate sweats by 42% versus 32%. Vox followed up on an October 11 Chapman University poll of 1,511 which awarded the terror tribute to climate calamity over clown phobia by 32.3% versus 7.8%. Incidentally, these Chapman ranking differences narrow to only a 2.4% when adding people who are "afraid or very afraid" of zombies (10.2%), and ghosts (8.9%). Those [...]

|2016-11-07T22:18:50-05:00November 7th, 2016|3 Comments

The EPA invites secret green activist lawsuits

As reported by CFACT advisor Larry Bell, federal agencies and environmentalist organizations have for decades been colluding to impose requirements on businesses, communities, and individuals who will have had zero knowledge or input into these onerous rules backed with the force of law that they are sorely affected by. This is wrong -- and yet the public will have to speak up loudly or this racketeering-style rulemaking behavior wil continue unabated.

|2016-10-31T16:58:49-04:00November 1st, 2016|2 Comments

‘Clean Power Plan’ relies on dirty climate science

Draconian energy regulatory policies are being premised upon tax-funded climate alarmism promulgated by government agencies we are supposed to trust. The latest and arguably most dangerous example is the Obama Administration’s proposed “Clean Power Plan” (CPP). CPP enactment is currently subject to a pending District of Columbia Court of Appeals decision following a Supreme Court stay on constitutional challenges. If allowed to proceed, sweeping new EPA rules will effectively nationalize control over all power generation and consumption, thereby usurping authority previously exercised by individual states. Compliance will require state legislatures to pass new laws or regulations to shift energy mixes from [...]

|2016-10-24T14:25:42-04:00October 24th, 2016|7 Comments

Global warming hurricane influence is overblown

No one should dispute the fact that hurricanes rank among our planet’s most terrifying and devastating natural disasters or that they are influenced by that enigmatically complex phenomena collectively referred to as “climate." Hurricane Matthew, which resulted in the tragic deaths of an estimated 34 people in the U.S., more than 500 in impoverished Haiti, and many billions of dollars of property and business losses, was clearly no exception. Climate changes and hurricanes began occurring long before the Industrial Revolution introduced smokestacks and SUVs. Sadly, and despite all best efforts of Al Gore, the United Nations, President Obama, and the EPA [...]

|2016-10-21T14:17:34-04:00October 21st, 2016|2 Comments

Clean Power Plan puts states’ rights on trial

CFACT policy advisor Larry Bell chronicles the war between the EPA and the states over usurpation of states' rights inherent in the Clean Power Plan.

|2016-10-10T13:17:35-04:00October 10th, 2016|1 Comment

Is climate change elevating coastal flooding risk?

While the sensationalist New York Times publishes fearmonger articles warning of imminent massive coastal flooding as a result of global warming, real-world data present a very different picture -- for example, the Marshall Islands have actually GAINED land mass since World War II. Not even Warren Buffett is concerned.

|2016-09-26T21:13:14-04:00September 26th, 2016|57 Comments

Climate alarmism is not ‘sexy’

CFACT advisor Larry Bell calls out alarmists for twisting the truth about global temperatures and continuing to scare people into surrendering their economic prosperity to "save the planet" -- or, rather, create a global socialist world government.

|2016-09-12T14:01:57-04:00September 12th, 2016|7 Comments

GE seeks “greener” pastures in coal

General Electric, one of the world’s largest suppliers of electrical power plant equipment, is all fired up about large markets for new coal-fired generation in India and China as America’s shut down. This may seem quite a turnaround for a company which has been characterized by the National Center for Public Policy Research as “the poster boy for crony capitalism and corporate America’s green energy cheerleader." After all, GE had previously assured investors that coal was on its way out. Its “ecomagination” campaign launched in 2005 focused the company’s future on an “Age of Gas” powered by their heavy-duty turbines along [...]

|2016-09-06T12:42:18-04:00September 6th, 2016|5 Comments

John Kerry targets your air conditioner

CFACT Advisor Larry Bell reports that Secretary of State John Kerry is continuing his assault on sanity through his ridiculous diatribes on climate change. Now he wants to ban air conditioning (most likely only for the poor and middle class, though). Meanwhile, Kerry and his pals are still celebrating killing half a million jobs formerly generated by the U.S. coal industry.

|2016-08-22T13:34:32-04:00August 22nd, 2016|32 Comments

Hillary’s Green Navy sinks in red ink

Making the advanced biofuels uses more fossil fuel energy than the energy they provide; thus the entire exercise in political correctness is pure folly and a scam. President Obama and his minions should be thoroughly rebuked for endangering our military personnel by mandating that the military stop using fossil fuels.

|2016-08-15T18:10:52-04:00August 15th, 2016|3 Comments

A short, politically incorrect climate conversation

CFACT Advisor Larry Bell tells of a conversation on an airplane flight with a disciple of Al Gore regarding climate change.

|2016-08-08T12:42:13-04:00August 8th, 2016|28 Comments

White House turns up heat on climate alarm

In the face of public ennui toward 'climate change,' the Obama Administration is making one last push (or putsch) to flood crony corporatists with climate cash. As Larry Bell concludes, "Don’t expect any good news so long as many billions of taxpayer dollars reward agenda-driven political science fear mongering."

|2016-08-01T16:55:20-04:00August 1st, 2016|19 Comments

GOP energy and climate platform is well constructed

Republicans, if left in charge of the government as of January 2017, promise a balanced energy and climate policy that puts people first and focuses on costs and benefits of various policy options.

|2016-07-26T01:51:07-04:00July 26th, 2016|11 Comments

Climate skeptics face Senate inquisition

Galileo has lots of modern-day companions. Woe be unto those who dare to doubt that the sun orbits around Planet Gore as pontiffs of doom have decreed. That’s exactly the 17th Century time warp scenario that played out last week on the Senate floor as Chief Inquisitor Sheldon Whitehouse (D, RI) and 18 fellow jurists intoned judgments against dozens of organizations for sins of “denial blocking action on climate.” Most of those sinful deniers are nonprofit conservative think tanks, including several that I am sinfully very proud to associate with. And nope, like most of those other sinful deniers, I don’t get [...]

|2016-07-18T15:31:06-04:00July 18th, 2016|9 Comments
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