Climategate Caused Great Harm

“I shall now be reporting Phil Jones to the police for a financial and scientific fraud so enormous that, if it had succeeded, billions of people would have had to bear the cost via the Copenhagen Treaty, which we now know to be a non-solution to a non-problem,” says Monckton

|2012-10-19T17:52:35-04:00December 3rd, 2009|Comments Off on Climategate Caused Great Harm

Global Governance? Here’s How

“The EU model is being taken by the UN as a shining model of what they want to achieve at Copenhagen,“ says Lord Monckton. “At first it will appear to be a little technocratic committee, just like the European Union. Start small so nobody notices, but make sure that it is made by treaty so all countries are bound by it thereafter. A treaty is the only way that your constitution created by your founding fathers, can be overridden by foreigners.”

|2012-09-19T17:21:16-04:00December 3rd, 2009|Comments Off on Global Governance? Here’s How

Dr. Fred Singer’s Message for the IPCC

Dr. Fred Singer speaks to a crowd in Brussels, Belgium about the IPCC, ClimateGate, and the skeptics' prospects of winning the debate on climate change. Dr. Fred Singer on Climategate

|2012-10-19T17:52:35-04:00December 3rd, 2009|Comments Off on Dr. Fred Singer’s Message for the IPCC

Climategate and U.S. political realities

"Det var i utgangspunktet lite sannsynlig at den amerikanske kongressen skulle gi klarsignal for kvotehandel. «Climategate» har lagt saken helt død. USA kommer ikke til å ratifisere noen avtale fra København eller forhandlingene neste år. Det er ikke politisk støtte blant velgerne."

|2009-12-03T09:00:40-05:00December 3rd, 2009|Comments Off on Climategate and U.S. political realities

Alarmists Reject Information

CFACT members challenged the demonstrators, asking why they weren't going in to watch the movie. 'Are you aware of the facts in the movie?' Ruffy asked Berthiaume. Berthiaume told him he'd seen the trailer, but was not interested in watching the film at this time."

|2012-09-19T17:55:24-04:00December 3rd, 2009|Comments Off on Alarmists Reject Information

Pseudoscience cesspool

Most important, the United States, Britain and all other responsible nations should slam the brakes on every proposed "climate crisis" treaty, agreement, bill, regulatory proposal, "endangerment" finding, and endangered species action. We must get to the bottom of this scandal and determine which data and claims are honest and accurate - and which are bogus, fraudulent and unfounded - before moving forward.

|2012-12-19T10:56:01-05:00December 2nd, 2009|Comments Off on Pseudoscience cesspool

Singer comments on Climategate from Brussels

Media Advisory WHERE: Room A1E1, European Parliament Building, Brussels WHEN: TODAY 15:30-17:30, reception to follow WHO: Dr. Fred Singer, Lord Christopher Monckton, and Dr. Hans Labohm WHAT: Climate Gate, NIPCC Report, Copenhagen Climate Summit --- Singer is a lead author on the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) Report, a distinguished atmospheric physicist, and a member of CFACT’s delegation to the Copenhagen Climate Summit will present the NIPCC Report in light of recent developments. “After reading the Climategate-emails we have realized that global warming may be ‘manmade’ after all,” says Singer. The NIPCC Report is the most comprehensive compilation of [...]

|2012-10-19T17:52:35-04:00December 1st, 2009|Comments Off on Singer comments on Climategate from Brussels

Steve Milloy on fluorescent light bulbs

Want to Subscribe? Sign In or Sign Up now! Glenn Beck admits the Earth is getting warmer, describes his global warming "logic tree", discusses GeoEngineering, and interviews's Steve Milloy about compact fluorescent light bulbs. Glenn Beck admits the Earth is getting warmer, describes his global warming "logic tree", discusses GeoEngineering, and interviews's Steve Milloy about the hassle of mercury contamination from compact fluorescent light bulbs. A woman in Maine had to come up with $2,000 to pay the Maine EPA to clean up her daughters bedroom after a compact fluorescent light bulb broke in there.

|2012-09-19T20:18:58-04:00November 26th, 2009|Comments Off on Steve Milloy on fluorescent light bulbs

Leighton Steward on his book Fire, Ice and Paradise

Stuart Varney interview with Leighton Steward on Fox Business News - The Benefits of CO2 - Green the Earth.

|2012-09-19T20:18:58-04:00November 26th, 2009|Comments Off on Leighton Steward on his book Fire, Ice and Paradise

Manuel de Araujo

Manuel de Araujois a Mozambican politician for the constituency of central Zambezia. He was educated in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and in the UK at the School of Oriental and African Studies. He is currently studying for a PhD at the University of East Anglia. Manuel de Araujo worked for Amnesty International at its headquarters in London as Campaigner for the Portuguese and Spanish African Speaking countries and then as The Campaign Coordinator for the Southern African Development Community Human Rights and Policing Project. Manuel de Araujo is currently the Deputy Chair of the International Affairs Committee in the Mozambican Parliament and also [...]

|2009-11-26T10:30:55-05:00November 26th, 2009|Comments Off on Manuel de Araujo

Senator Steve Fielding

Senator Fielding is a member of the Australian Senate, elected from the state of Victoria. He is the Federal Parliamentary Leader of the Family First Party in Australia. Senator Fielding knows a lot about families – he grew up in a family of 16 children and is a proud family man himself. He has been married to Susan for 24 years and they have three children: James, 20, Campbell, 18 and Gabrielle, 15. Steve and Sue live in Wantirna South, an outer suburb of Melbourne. Steve, who is 48, was born in Reservoir in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. As a [...]

|2009-11-26T09:34:58-05:00November 26th, 2009|Comments Off on Senator Steve Fielding

H. Leighton Steward

H. Leighton Steward is a geologist, environmentalist, author, and retired energy industry executive.  He has written about the reasons for the loss of much of the Mississippi River delta (Louisiana's National Treasure) and has given advice on how the nation can achieve "no net loss" of wetlands in the future; advice that has been accepted by the EPA and U. S. Corps of Engineers. Leighton was lead author on a book about nutrition and health (Sugar Busters) that gave advice on how to lose weight and prevent and or treat diabetes.  The book became a #1 New York Times Best seller [...]

|2009-11-26T09:19:39-05:00November 26th, 2009|Comments Off on H. Leighton Steward

Dr. Fred Singer

S. Fred Singer is internationally known for his work on energy and environmental issues. A pioneer in the development of rocket and satellite technology, he devised the basic instrument for measuring stratospheric ozone and was principal investigator on a satellite experiment retrieved by the space shuttle in 1990. He was the first scientist to predict that population growth would increase atmospheric methane--an important greenhouse gas. Now President of The Science & Environmental Policy Project, a non-profit policy research group he founded in 1990, Singer is also distinguished professor emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia. His previous government and [...]

|2009-11-26T09:11:51-05:00November 26th, 2009|Comments Off on Dr. Fred Singer

Marc Morano

Marc Morano is the executive editor and chief correspondent for, a global warming and eco-news center founded in 2009.  Morano served for three years as a senior advisor, speechwriter, and climate researcher for U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee as he also managed the award-winning communication operations of the GOP side. Morano, who has spent years researching climate change, environmental, and energy issues, traveled to Greenland in 2007 to investigate global warming claims. As Senate staff, Morano also attended the United Nation's climate eco-conferences held in Kenya, Indonesia, and Poland in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Morano authored [...]

|2009-11-26T08:44:04-05:00November 26th, 2009|Comments Off on Marc Morano

Barun Mitra

Mitra heads the Liberty Institute, a public policy research and educational organization headquartered in New Delhi, India. His work focuses on the role of individual rights, the rule of law, limited government, and free markets in responding to social, economic, and environmental concerns. Mitra has written extensively on issues of environment, trade, and technology. His work has appeared in a wide array of books, magazines, and newspapers, including the New York Times. As an editor, his work includes Population: The Ultimate Resource, which received the Sir Anthony Fisher Memorial International Prize in 2001 for best book from a new think tank. [...]

|2009-11-26T07:39:18-05:00November 26th, 2009|Comments Off on Barun Mitra
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