John Kerry targets your air conditioner

CFACT Advisor Larry Bell reports that Secretary of State John Kerry is continuing his assault on sanity through his ridiculous diatribes on climate change. Now he wants to ban air conditioning (most likely only for the poor and middle class, though). Meanwhile, Kerry and his pals are still celebrating killing half a million jobs formerly generated by the U.S. coal industry.

|2016-08-22T13:34:32-04:00August 22nd, 2016|32 Comments

Brexit’s energy lesson for California, et al.

Unelected radical environmental groups have been dictating California energy and environmental policy for over a decade, and now the state has shuttered its final nuclear power plant -- which alone produces twice the state's total amount of solar energy capacity. Barring a major reversal of policy, Californians should expect blackouts in years to come. That is, unless some bureaucratic overstep ignites a fire in the hearts of Californians.

|2016-06-27T16:03:02-04:00June 27th, 2016|Comments Off on Brexit’s energy lesson for California, et al.

Obama’s green energy plans kill jobs, hurt consumers, and cost taxpayers

CFACT advisor Marita Noon reveals three examples of Obama Administration policies that will have long-term negative impacts on ordinary Americans -- the San Juan mine in New Mexico, misapplication of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, and lavish spending on a new Fannie Mae headquarters in Washington, DC.

|2016-06-22T08:46:57-04:00June 20th, 2016|1 Comment

Obama targets electric grid for power grab

Now the President Obama has made good on his promise to bankrupt the U.S. coal industry, he (and his potential successors Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders) are poised to do likewise to the nation's oil and gas and nuclear power industries. Given that neither solar nor wind power is 24-7 reliable, this will surely lead both to massive financial ruin and intermittent energy availability in many parts of a very crippled U.S. economy. Worst of all -- this appears to be their vision, their goal -- to bankrupt America and put an end to personal freedom in the process.

|2016-04-25T13:43:44-04:00April 25th, 2016|Comments Off on Obama targets electric grid for power grab

Here’s why China isn’t going green anytime soon

China is deeply dependent on coal power and won’t be going green anytime soon.

|2016-04-09T23:08:39-04:00April 9th, 2016|Comments Off on Here’s why China isn’t going green anytime soon

Both parties are fractured, but on energy, each is unified

There is no shortage of news stories touting the splits within each party. The Democrat divide is, as NBC News sees it, between dreamers and doers—with the International Business Times (IBT) calling it: “a civil war over the party’s ideological future.” The Boston Globe declares that the “party fissures” represent “a national party torn between Clinton’s promised steady hand and Sanders’ more progressive goals.” The Republican reality is, according to IBT, a battle between moderates and conservatives. The party is being “shattered” by the fighting between the establishment and the outsiders. The New Yorker said the days following the Detroit debate have “been the week of open civil war within the Republican Party.” Former standard-bearer Mitt [...]

|2016-03-07T13:57:19-05:00March 7th, 2016|3 Comments

Supreme Court freezes Obama’s dirty “clean power plan”

The Supreme Court blocked Obama's dirty "clean power plan." CFACT doesn't label EPA's energy regulations "dirty," lightly. "Dirty" is the right word for the trick they tried to pull.

|2016-02-10T11:54:51-05:00February 10th, 2016|35 Comments

“Keep it in the ground” at work in the real world

The Luddites are loose! It was not enough for them to waste billions of tax dollars on unsustainable wind and solar projects, but now they want to shut down the only safe, secure, 24/7 sources of energy in the U.S. -- oil, natural gas, and coal (and, yes, nuclear power too). The new Stone(d) Age awaits those who empower these de-development radicals who have enjoyed the fruits of innovative technology unleashed by a capitalist society but now want to deprive future generations (and those currently living as well) of the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

|2016-02-11T08:12:20-05:00February 9th, 2016|1 Comment

Marita Noon: How to win the war on fossil fuels

Simply put, it is time to get to work to defeat the enemies of freedom and prosperity who are running the show in Washington, DC. The anti-energy crowd is fighting hard to shut down all coal, oil, and natural gas operations in the U.S. (and worldwide), but that will harm people and the environment. Armed with the facts and common sense, there is work to be done to spread the message.

|2016-01-26T12:11:56-05:00January 22nd, 2016|9 Comments

Killing coal: The Obama Administration’s intentional assault on an industry

President Obama and his billionaire friends (who will profit financially from killing coal, though no one in the media will acknowledge this) are hell bent on killing the coal industry (and likely the oil and gas industry right after). There is no apology to the hundreds of thousands of people being thrown out of work or to the millions who will pay much higher fuel bills, maybe even go heatless, as a result of these elitist, cruel acts.

|2016-01-18T16:34:01-05:00January 18th, 2016|3 Comments

Shafting taxpayers and promoting crony corporatism

Washington is trading an end to the 40-year-old oil export ban in exchange for an extension and perpetuation of renewable energy programs and President Obama’s Clean Power Plan

|2015-12-18T06:03:36-05:00December 17th, 2015|1 Comment

With the Paris climate conference complete, what comes next, what will it cost you, and what can you do about it?

If the “keep it in the ground” movement is successful, government services—including education, first responders, and hospitals and healthcare—must be cut, taxes on everything must go up, and electricity rates will “necessarily skyrocket.” Western civilization is based on successful mining and farming—which the antis want to block.

|2015-12-15T02:56:35-05:00December 14th, 2015|11 Comments

On climate change, Catholic leaders must believe in miracles

While Catholic leaders, led by Pope Francis, are focused on curbing global warming (aka curbing the use of fossil fuels) as the most urgent means of combating poverty, the facts are that cheap, reliable energy and access to jobs and markets is what the poor need most. And, not surprisingly, the poor know it -- ranking "climate change" the LEAST important concern in their lives, with food and education at the top.

|2015-11-11T12:42:51-05:00November 11th, 2015|Comments Off on On climate change, Catholic leaders must believe in miracles

Proposed mountain-top wind farm riles locals in southwestern Virginia

It is hard to blame Dominion Resources for trying to find another way to generate energy, thanks to the Obama war against coal. But placing wind turbines on top of beautiful mountains would ruin the entire area for tourism, say local residents whose livelihoods have already been tarnished by the White House.

|2015-10-20T12:55:22-04:00October 20th, 2015|1 Comment

Beyond the bickering, bill lifting oil-export ban wins bipartisan support

A glimmer of hope emerged in the night sky as 26 Democrats joined with the Republican majority in the U.S. House to approve a bill ending the decades-old oil export ban. But the dark lords of correctness and fears of reprisals remain strong, and few and far between are the bopartisan votes in this Congress.

|2015-10-13T04:06:12-04:00October 13th, 2015|Comments Off on Beyond the bickering, bill lifting oil-export ban wins bipartisan support
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