Facts vs. radicals at COP 23

The UN circus is well underway. You don't have to engage here long before you come to the conclusion that from the well-dressed bureaucrats, to the crony capitalists, to the hard-core leftist youth, there is no one promoting the UN global warming cause we dare trust to plan our future.

|2017-11-15T06:43:03-05:00November 15th, 2017|Comments Off on Facts vs. radicals at COP 23

Fossil fuels meet climate summit — Strange bedfellows?

The Trump Administrations daring decision to promote fossil fuels (including clean coal) at the Bonn climate summit may be paying off in unexpected ways.

|2017-11-15T04:33:29-05:00November 14th, 2017|Comments Off on Fossil fuels meet climate summit — Strange bedfellows?

Obama greens are running the Trump negotiating team at the UN climate summit

Andrew Rakestraw is co-facilitator of the Transparency Framework, along with Xiang Gao from China. Transparency here means who is giving what money to whom under the so-called "financial mechanisms" of the Paris Agreement.

|2017-11-13T13:34:51-05:00November 13th, 2017|15 Comments

Five rivers of gold to flow from the magical UN COP — not really

The Paris Pact COPs are all about money, not climate.

|2017-11-10T19:04:32-05:00November 10th, 2017|1 Comment

Toast to UN climate exit in Germany

Conference-goers are united in their conviction that the UN imposes massive economic and political costs upon developed nations that cannot be justified by the benefits, of which there may be none, flowing from the pact.

|2017-11-10T13:14:23-05:00November 10th, 2017|Comments Off on Toast to UN climate exit in Germany

Skeptic conference outshines UN COP 23

The 2-day, science intensive Climate and Energy Conference sponsored by CFACT and EIKE stands in wonderful contrast to the glib, quick hit side events that surround the Bonn UN conference.

|2017-11-10T09:54:37-05:00November 10th, 2017|1 Comment

Kick U.S. out of Bonn? / Straight facts in Dusseldorf

While left-wing NGOs petition to kick the U.S. out of the UN conference in Bonn, CFACT teams up with EIKE to present the straight facts on climate and energy in Dusseldorf.

|2017-11-09T08:44:21-05:00November 9th, 2017|24 Comments

African NGOs want to kick U.S. out of UN climate conference

Expelling the U.S. delegation would be unbelievably disruptive. These are supposed to be delicate diplomatic affairs. There is no provision in the Paris Agreement for this kind of terminal action, or in the underlying UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is a duly ratified U.S. treaty. Fun facts: The U.S. pays 22% of the UN budget and 20% of the UN climate process.

|2017-11-09T00:44:20-05:00November 9th, 2017|13 Comments

U.S. disbands climate propaganda effort for UN COP 23

At COP 23, at least, the propaganda spigot has been turned off.

|2017-11-07T11:26:42-05:00November 7th, 2017|1 Comment

The Climate Empire is striking back!

CFACT is right now sending a crack delegation of climate policy experts to the UN meeting in Bonn. Will you help CFACT break the Green-Left's monopoly on climate and energy policy and set America and the world free?

|2017-11-06T21:26:09-05:00November 6th, 2017|Comments Off on The Climate Empire is striking back!

“Trump effect” in Bonn climate talks?

The "Trump effect" which is scaring the heck out of the Bonn negotiators.

|2017-11-06T21:17:09-05:00November 6th, 2017|12 Comments

UN climate talks have a ‘toxic background’ of sexual harassment, says lawyer

Lawyer Farhana Yamin wrote an essay on her experience with sexual harassment at UN climate summits, arguing “the trivialization of women continues.” UN delegates kicked off a major climate summit in Bonn, Germany on Monday.

|2017-11-06T21:12:56-05:00November 6th, 2017|1 Comment

Enviros freak as Trump officials push coal at UN climate talks

“It is undeniable that fossil fuels will be used for the foreseeable future, and it is in everyone’s interest that they be efficient and clean,” a White House spokesman told reporters Monday, referring to Trump’s efforts to promote fossil fuels at the G20 meeting this year. Activists didn't like it.

|2017-11-06T21:03:20-05:00November 6th, 2017|1 Comment

U.S. government “climate report” timed for Bonn UN conference

Friday's release of the wildly alarmist "Climate Science Special Report" or CSSP has brought forth the predictable green gush from the lefty press. The fact that this is an official federal report that contradicts the Trump Administration's climate skepticism is its big selling point. That the release is strategically timed with the beginning of the grand UN climate control festival in Bonn, Germany makes it more than timely. That the science is crap is irrelevant.

|2017-11-06T20:42:36-05:00November 6th, 2017|Comments Off on U.S. government “climate report” timed for Bonn UN conference

UN climate summit = Bonn COP massiveness

How many climate alarmists does it take to write the rules of world domination? In the case of the upcoming Bonn meeting the answer is well over 20,000. I am not making this up.

|2017-11-06T20:30:33-05:00November 6th, 2017|Comments Off on UN climate summit = Bonn COP massiveness
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