Climate insurance as wealth transfer is the latest scam

The basic idea is very simple, which good scams always are. The Federal Government (in other words, taxpayers) buys climate insurance for specific developing countries. This insurance then pays for damages supposedly due to climate change.

|2018-01-16T06:12:30-05:00January 16th, 2018|4 Comments

What will the US role be in UN IPCC climate reports?

These reports are supposedly summarizing the existing scientific literature, but in reality the merely choose and use scholarly citations to support the one-sided argument for alarmism.

|2017-12-30T22:09:07-05:00December 31st, 2017|20 Comments

Mayors sign Chicago “Climate Charter”

The mayors who failed to successfully control unemployment, welfare dependency, failing schools, drug addiction and violent crime are not very likely to successfully control our global thermostat.

|2017-12-05T15:53:07-05:00December 5th, 2017|2 Comments

Sharing our blessings

CFACT Senior Policy Advisor Paul Driessen wishes the entire world a happy time of thanksgiving -- for the fossil fuels, hydroelectric power, and other contributions to reliable, affordable energy that has powered a dramatic shift in life expectancy and standards of living and world health, lifting billions out of poverty. He further challenges us to extend these blessings to the billions who even today lack the blessings of energy, in part because of elitist, eco-imperialist refusal to underwrite the financing of anything but renewable energy that is unreliable, expensive, and only in some cases the best (short-term) option.

|2017-11-26T10:43:49-05:00November 26th, 2017|13 Comments

The UN is about to decide the fate of your air conditioner

Not only do HFCs fall outside the scope of the Montreal Protocol — it’s a greenhouse gas, not an ozone depleter — the treaty will also make air conditioners more expensive, hurting poor people.

|2017-11-24T12:11:38-05:00November 24th, 2017|3 Comments

Ukraine proposes giving the UN climate octopus more tentacles

Major changes in UN structure take a long time but they have to start somewhere. At last week's UN climate summit the Ukraine floated a truly radical proposal. It amounts to making parties other than countries official members of the climate club. The parties in question include corporations and political entities like US states and cities, perhaps even NGOs like Greenpeace. The goal is the get as many heavyweights onto the official green team as possible.

|2017-11-22T13:33:18-05:00November 22nd, 2017|1 Comment

The green press distorts what happened at the climate summit

As usual with the green press, it is more a matter of weaving together a series of half truths, omissions and advocacy, than of outright lies.

|2017-11-22T13:23:19-05:00November 22nd, 2017|1 Comment

The Trump team was an Obama retread at the climate summit

The Greens are giving great thanks for how cooperative the Trump team of negotiators was at the Bonn climate conference. In reality there was no Trump negotiating team.

|2017-11-21T10:16:25-05:00November 21st, 2017|35 Comments

Fiji cash to Polish coal at the UN climate conference

COP 23, the UN climate conference in Bonn, Germany, ended with a coal-powered whimper. Poor countries sought cash, China sought opaque emissions reporting and Polish coal miners host the next one.

|2017-11-18T20:24:41-05:00November 18th, 2017|Comments Off on Fiji cash to Polish coal at the UN climate conference

Poor nations demanding cash threatens Paris Agreement

The Climate Home news service puts it this way: "Climate talks in Bonn have been held hostage for more than a week over the issue, as poor countries called for a space to hold the rich to account on their promises."

|2017-11-17T02:36:31-05:00November 17th, 2017|6 Comments

Diesel powered electric cars at the UN climate conference

CFACT jumped in a complimentary electric car at the UN climate conference to move between the official negotiating zone and the NGO zone. Our driver told us he hates the electric car,because its limited range makes it next to useless for a professional taxi driver.

|2017-11-17T07:02:20-05:00November 17th, 2017|Comments Off on Diesel powered electric cars at the UN climate conference

Compensation for other people’s weather inches forward at UN climate summit

In UN-speak it is called simply "loss and damage." This is the unfounded idea that people adversely affected by bad weather are "climate victims" and as such they should be compensated by the developed countries that supposedly caused the weather to be bad.

|2017-11-16T11:21:34-05:00November 16th, 2017|2 Comments

Confronting the climate elite at COP 23

Global warming campaigners are spoiled. When they get together for a UN conference they don't expect to be challenged. The last thing they expected was CFACT!

|2017-11-16T18:23:07-05:00November 16th, 2017|Comments Off on Confronting the climate elite at COP 23

American climate honesty

In Bonn, official America is reasserting American interests in a low key, but honest way. That's an improvement over what we had under Obama and an example the world should follow.

|2017-11-15T22:05:54-05:00November 15th, 2017|Comments Off on American climate honesty

Most Americans don’t know the UN climate summit is about money

Most of the climate-compliant press is dedicated to hiding the climate finance issue, because Americans would object if they knew about it.

|2017-11-15T07:42:28-05:00November 15th, 2017|4 Comments
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