CFACT’s friends at the Heartland Institute are doing something important.

You should be there!

CFACT is proud to be a founding co-sponsor of this crucial series of international climate conferences.

This year it’s in Las Vegas (a city rumored to be fun).

The warming-Left would like people to think they’ve got all the science and scientists on their side.

This is nonsense.

In Las Vegas you will have a chance to speak one-on-one with scientists, astronauts, meteorologists and scholars armed with the facts that debunk the warming scare.

Did you know that:

  • There has been no meaningful warming since the nineties?
  • Sea levels are stable?
  • Antarctic ice is at record highs?
  • Weather is scientifically and historically normal?
  • Climate computer models are wrong?
  • Polar bears are fine?  (Watch out seals)

As a friend of CFACT’s we know you do, and much more.

Come meet experts who value the scientific method as they present the hard, verifiable data warming campaigners don’t the world to see.

I’ll be there with Marc Morano who runs CFACT’s Climate Depot news and information service.  We hope you’ll come too.

Be sure to say “hi.”  We’ve plenty to discuss.

Thanks to Joe and Diane Bast and the hard-working team at Heartland.  They settle for nothing less than first class scholarship and make sure our valued friends enjoy first class hospitality as well.

CFACT will be presenting an important award at the conference.  Join us at the ceremony!


  Click here to learn more and register

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