NetZero Reality Coalition forms and scores first big win

NZRC stands in opposition to leftist “NetZero” advocates who seek to tear down energy sources that work, while pushing energy sources, such as intermittent wind and solar, that are not up to the challenge of powering the world's needs.

|2023-03-17T12:13:53-04:00March 16th, 2023|Comments Off on NetZero Reality Coalition forms and scores first big win

Book review of Vaclav Smil’s “How the World Really Works”

The key chapter (4) in noted author and Renaissance Man Vaclav Smil’s newest book, How the World Really Works, is subtitled, “The four pillars of modern civilization.” To the uninitiated, this means cement, steel, plastics, and ammonia.

|2023-03-16T11:16:50-04:00March 16th, 2023|Comments Off on Book review of Vaclav Smil’s “How the World Really Works”

Climate cartels plan to cancel single family homes, private cars

The Greens cannot be appeased, their appetite for control is insatiable.

|2023-03-02T12:33:58-05:00March 6th, 2023|Comments Off on Climate cartels plan to cancel single family homes, private cars

Bill Gates’ climate change deceptions are taking us for a billion-dollar ride

BBC journalist Amol Rajan recently braved going off the mainstream media script, asking the Microsoft co-founder how he responds to charges that he’s a hypocrite for claiming to be “a climate change campaigner” while traveling the world on his private jets, even to confabs where global elites tell poor and middle-class families to live simpler lives and stop using fossil fuels.

|2023-03-01T13:39:24-05:00March 5th, 2023|Comments Off on Bill Gates’ climate change deceptions are taking us for a billion-dollar ride

The World Bank takes an energy wrong turn

Biden’s firing of bank president puts a question mark over its future.

|2023-02-28T09:19:48-05:00March 1st, 2023|Comments Off on The World Bank takes an energy wrong turn

The looming alternative energy materials crisis

It is impossible to mine enough material to supply all the battery-powered cars

|2023-02-06T17:28:00-05:00February 8th, 2023|Comments Off on The looming alternative energy materials crisis

CFACT joins 100+ groups supporting Senate efforts to undo Biden ESG investing rule

"According to research from the University of Chicago, mutual funds scoring highly on ESG factors are constantly outperformed by funds rated lowest for ESG."

|2023-02-07T17:05:29-05:00February 7th, 2023|Comments Off on CFACT joins 100+ groups supporting Senate efforts to undo Biden ESG investing rule

Morano on Gorka: “An insane ideology has infected our modern society”

Control freaks running rampant.

|2023-02-07T10:06:16-05:00February 7th, 2023|Comments Off on Morano on Gorka: “An insane ideology has infected our modern society”

Biden Admin blocks mining project days after deal with child labor hotbeds for rare metals

BY ANTONIO CAMBRIA: On Thursday, the Biden administration announced it would prohibit mining in more than 200,000 acres of land from being mined for waterway protection, ignoring serious abuse abroad.

|2023-01-31T15:14:24-05:00February 4th, 2023|Comments Off on Biden Admin blocks mining project days after deal with child labor hotbeds for rare metals

Biden Administration throws lobstermen under the bus

The dilemma is how to pretend that it is doing everything it can to protect the critically endangered Right Whale, while at the same time green-lighting massive wind energy industrialization of the ocean waters off the East Coast.

|2023-01-31T14:29:20-05:00February 2nd, 2023|Comments Off on Biden Administration throws lobstermen under the bus

Everything that needs electricity is made with oil

Without products from oil, there will be no need for "renewable" electricity.

|2023-02-01T11:39:21-05:00February 1st, 2023|Comments Off on Everything that needs electricity is made with oil

Climate hysteria and groupthink from billionaires who want your money to “save the world”

The billionaires at Davos want you to ratchet down your life.

|2023-01-26T10:33:27-05:00January 27th, 2023|Comments Off on Climate hysteria and groupthink from billionaires who want your money to “save the world”

The cult of Davos

"Davos", the joke goes, "is where billionaires tell millionaires what the middle class thinks."

|2023-01-25T00:19:03-05:00January 24th, 2023|Comments Off on The cult of Davos

Morano on Bongino’s Fox News show talking Davos WEF

‘We’re living in a time now where conspiracy realities outnumber conspiracy theories’ WATCH NOW

|2023-01-22T22:05:59-05:00January 22nd, 2023|Comments Off on Morano on Bongino’s Fox News show talking Davos WEF

The Biden Administration finally admits its mistake in canceling Keystone XL

The Department of Energy quietly released a report highlighting the positive economic benefits of developing the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada.

|2023-01-20T16:56:51-05:00January 22nd, 2023|Comments Off on The Biden Administration finally admits its mistake in canceling Keystone XL
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