Unfounded fears about synthetic pesticides

By Steve Goreham. Our modern society suffers from “chemophobia." Will insects eat our crops or people? Scientific evidence shows that everyday exposure to synthetic pesticides is negligible and that widespread pesticide fears are unfounded.

|2018-11-15T10:34:08-05:00November 15th, 2018|Comments Off on Unfounded fears about synthetic pesticides

Enemies of humanity

Ugandan activist (and student) Steven Lyazi writes passionately that the West is both hypocritical and imperialistic in dictating policies to Africans that were good enough for Western nations half a century ago and could save millions of African lives -- and generate up to $100 billion a year to the Afrcican economiy just from allowing the use of DDT to fight malaria. DDT use reduces death from malaria by 80% or more -- and Lyazi himself is a two-time malaria survivor who notes that most Africans lack the money to pay for the costly, time-consuming treatment for this killer disease that the West eradicated 70 years ago using DDT.

|2017-07-26T18:12:44-04:00July 26th, 2017|1 Comment

EPA’s suspect science

By John Rafuse   President Trump’s budget guidance sought to cut $1.6 billion from the Environmental Protection Agency’s $8.1 billion expectation. Shrieks of looming Armageddon prompted Congress to fund the EPA in full until September 2017, when the battle will be joined again. Then EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said he would prioritize Superfund cleanups based on toxicity, health impacts, and other factors. The ensuing caterwauling suggested that the EPA had no priorities since Bill Ruckelshaus (EPA’s first administrator, 1970-1975, at left). But consider some standard EPA practices:   1.  EPA advocates claim the U.S. is unhealthy and dirty. They won’t admit [...]

|2017-06-22T08:05:35-04:00June 22nd, 2017|Comments Off on EPA’s suspect science

When will Africa get healthy and prosperous?

A cynical coalition of environmentalists and corrupt dictators and bureaucrats is working overtime to keep most Africans (except themselves) poor and malnourished, without jobs or even access to modern medical care. Steven Lyazi asks when politicians and activists will stop pontificating about saving the environment and start saving the lives of Africa's people?

|2016-07-14T16:08:46-04:00July 14th, 2016|5 Comments

DDT ban linked to population control

Aldous Huxley’s book, Brave New World Revisited (1958), warns that the danger to civilization posed by Third World overpopulation would lead to communist revolution, attacking DDT as an important contributor: “We go to a tropical island…and with the aid of DDT we stamp out malaria, and in two or three years, save hundreds of thousands of lives.” Huxley continued that: “This is obviously good, But the hundreds of thousands of human beings thus saved, and the millions whom they beget and bring to birth, cannot be adequately clothed, housed, educated or fed out of the island’s available resources. Quick death by malaria has been abolished; but life made miserable by undernourishment and over-crowding is now the rule, and death by outright starvation threatens ever greater numbers.”

|2013-08-11T14:22:49-04:00August 11th, 2013|5 Comments

DDT still needed to control deadly malaria

Not long ago, a United Nations agency conducted research in Latin America and claimed to have found effective ways to control malaria without the use of DDT. But according to expert analysis by two leading malaria researchers, there were no statistically significant reductions in malaria in demonstration areas that spanned Mexico and seven Central American nations.

|2012-09-18T20:59:48-04:00August 29th, 2012|Comments Off on DDT still needed to control deadly malaria

DDT is a potent weapon against malaria

PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA—South Africa is currently a world leader in malaria control and has achieved great success, particularly since reintroducing the use of DDT a number of years ago.I have had an interest in malaria for many years and, a few years ago, I was invited to write a chapter in a book published in London on Third World health. My chapter was on malaria and the wonder chemical DDT. DDT is not at all harmful, as so many activists have claimed.Malaria is both preventable and curable. Had the world invested as much effort into wiping out malaria as has been [...]

|2011-05-23T00:00:00-04:00May 23rd, 2011|1 Comment

Dog lovers and baby killers

By Cyril BoynesA couple months ago, when its dog-sledding business lost customers, a Canadian company had a hundred of its dogs killed. The incident “shocked” and “angered” people. The employee who shot the dogs said he suffered “post traumatic stress” from killing them and wants compensation.Animal activists used the incident in campaigns against dog sled rides. “I don’t think society is willing to accept that animals should be killed just because they are surplus or don’t suit the purpose they were born for,” said one. “The magnitude of this atrocity is so shocking – our heads are reeling,” another said.Huskies are [...]

|2011-04-12T00:00:00-04:00April 12th, 2011|Comments Off on Dog lovers and baby killers

Environmentalist fraud and manslaughter

Many chemotherapy drugs for treating cancer have highly unpleasant side effects – hair loss, vomiting, intense joint pain, liver damage and fetal defects, to name just a few. But anyone trying to ban the drugs would be tarred, feathered and run out of town. And rightly so.The drugs’ benefits vastly outweigh their risks. They save lives. We need to use chemo drugs carefully, but we need to use them.The same commonsense reasoning should apply to the Third World equivalent of chemotherapy drugs: DDT and other insecticides to combat malaria. Up to half a billion people are infected annually by this vicious [...]

|2011-02-23T00:00:00-05:00February 23rd, 2011|Comments Off on Environmentalist fraud and manslaughter

Greens lie, Africans die

By Paul Driessen and Robert NovakFina’s little body shook for hours with teeth-chattering chills. The next day her torment worsened, as nausea and vomiting continued even after there was nothing left in her stomach. Finally, her vomiting ebbed and chills turned to fever, drenching her body in sweat. Then more chills, fevers, nausea, convulsions, and constant, unbearable pain in every muscle, bone and joint.She cried out, and tears mixed with sweat. But no one could help her. She had no money for doctors, medicines or a hospital room. She didn’t even have a mother or father to comfort her. All the [...]

|2011-01-20T07:15:18-05:00January 20th, 2011|Comments Off on Greens lie, Africans die

3 billion and counting

"We will eradicate malaria by 2010," stricken families were promised a few years ago. Well, 2010 is nearly gone and, instead of eradication, we have more malaria than before … and a new target date: 2015. Unless malaria control policies change, that date too will come and go. Billions will still be at risk of getting malaria. Hundreds of millions will continue getting the disease. Millions will die or become permanently brain-damaged. And poverty and misery will continue ravaging Third World communities. For years, malaria strategies have been dominated by insecticide-treated bed nets, Artemisia-based drugs, improved diagnostics and hospitals, educational campaigns, [...]

|2012-10-24T18:16:38-04:00September 13th, 2010|Comments Off on 3 billion and counting

End environmental experiments on Africans!

By Fiona KobusingyeI wish I had a shilling for every time someone told me spraying homes with DDT to prevent malaria is like using Africans in evil experiments. I would be a rich woman.That claim is a blatant falsehood. Even worse, it hides the many ways poor Africans really are being used in environmental experiments that cause increased poverty, disease and death.If any people were ever used in DDT experiments, it was Americans and Europeans. During World War II, this insecticide and mosquito repellant was sprayed on tents and around camps to keep American and British soldiers from getting malaria. After [...]

|2012-09-16T22:32:44-04:00August 27th, 2010|Comments Off on End environmental experiments on Africans!

Howard Stern: ‘Bring back DDT!’

**WARNING** AUDIO CLIP INCLUDES STRONG LANGUAGE **WARNING** Click here if the player doesn't work   Howard Stern, radio personality and host of The Howard Stern Show, one of the most popular and influential radio programs in America, is calling for the insecticide DDT to be brought back to battle the bedbugs in New York and the malarial mosquitos in Africa. "It's time for this nonsense to stop," Stern declared. He praised an article by CFACT senior policy advisor Paul Driessen and quoted from it extensively to support his case. Driessen recently wrote about the drastically different consequences the ban on DDT [...]

|2010-08-25T09:22:06-04:00August 25th, 2010|Comments Off on Howard Stern: ‘Bring back DDT!’

New York’s bedbugs vs. Africa’s malaria crisis

“Don’t let the bedbugs bite” is no longer a fashionable good-night wish for Big Apple kids, even in the city’s high-rent districts and posh hotels. Growing infestations of the ravenous bloodsuckers have New Yorkers annoyed, anguished, angry about officialdom’s inadequate responses, and “itching” for answers.Instead, their Bedbug Advisory Board recommends a bedbug team and educational website. Residents, it advises, should monitor and report infestations. Use blow dryers to flush out (maybe 5% of) the bugs, then sweep them into a plastic bag and dispose properly. Throw away (thousands of dollars worth of) infested clothing, bedding, carpeting and furniture.Hire (expensive) professionals who [...]

|2010-08-21T10:19:36-04:00August 21st, 2010|Comments Off on New York’s bedbugs vs. Africa’s malaria crisis
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