People’s climate march wants to change the system, not the weather

Marita Noon shatters any illusion that the New York Climate March was about anything other than destroying the capitalist system and replacing it with a totalitarian, top-down socialist state. As one commenter said, "These people are defined by what they hate, and a big part of what they hate is capitalism.”

|2014-10-02T17:53:44-04:00October 1st, 2014|8 Comments

Phony “environmental justice” at EPA

Ms. McCarthy should base environmental policy on sound science – and check her phony justice rhetoric at the door.

|2014-09-26T07:45:21-04:00September 24th, 2014|6 Comments

Opposition mounts to Obama’s proposed Pacific Monument expansion

Pacific Islanders incredulous. WATCH NOW "What country do we live in? With the stroke of a pen President Obama will close an area the size of the Gulf of Mexico... There are no coral reefs in the deep blue" and the fish there are highly migratory. "Does the President and his advisers understand what highly migratory means?"

|2014-08-28T18:39:23-04:00August 28th, 2014|Comments Off on Opposition mounts to Obama’s proposed Pacific Monument expansion

Pummeling Coal Country families

President Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is about anything BUT protection of the American people and their economic future. Instead, the EPA has proposed regulations -- based on spurious research -- that will devastate families in coal states (and everywhere else as well as a result), kill millions of jobs, and force the cost of electricity to "skyrocket." These smug bureaucrats refuse to disclose their research, their economic projections, or any other data that they allegedly used to develop these proposed standards -- and they have been stonewalling even Congress, demonstrating their unabashed arrogance. It is time that the people rose up, demanded action by their elected representatives to stop the EPA's onslaught on America, and bring the whole truth to light about these rules and the shenanigans of those who seek to impose them on us.

|2014-08-28T19:11:54-04:00August 26th, 2014|1 Comment

Workers suffer when militarized police and Big Green get together

Billionaire environmentalists have long been at war against the American people -- and hide behind federal agencies which have joyfully done their bidding. Today, however, people are awakening to this threat, and fighting back against the billionaires. As Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has written, the poor will revolt against this micro-management of the economy and the environment by rich elites.

|2014-08-25T17:58:16-04:00August 25th, 2014|1 Comment

U.S. Government releases predators against its own people

With pressure from environmentalists (including anti-meat activists), the federal government reintroduced the Mexican grey wolf into southern New Mexico and other areas -- to the dismay of ranchers and their families, livestock, and pets. The anti-people zealots are now demanding even greater protections for these wolves, who routinely kill other endangered or threatened species and pose genuine threats to people despite claims that wolves do not attack humans. The time is now to fight against this dangerous trend -- by submitting comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

|2014-08-25T17:59:31-04:00August 25th, 2014|19 Comments

Climate Change: a symbolic battle against an unpleasant, toxic way of life

The environment has become a proxy for a "tribal battle.” The climate alarmists scare tactics are no longer working

|2014-08-19T12:08:49-04:00August 19th, 2014|2 Comments

Holding Big Green accountable: Electrify Africa initiatives should finally trump environmentalist opposition to big power plants

CFACT Senior Policy Advisor Paul Driessen says that Big Green groups, which demand accountability from corporations and denounce all projects requiring fossil fuel energy, refuse to be held accountable for the death and destruction that results from their vetoing of electricity, food (including Golden Rice), and life-saving technologies to the poor in India, African nations, and other nations lacking adequate infrastructure. Some countries are fighting back against these unwanted pests -- Canada took away Greenpeace's nonprofit status, while India has banned the use of foreign NGO money to support domestic campaigns.

|2014-08-11T09:01:00-04:00August 10th, 2014|1 Comment

The hidden persuaders of the environmental elite

Ever wonder why Green-Left activists are so obsessed about funding? Meet the conservation cash cartel of the uber-rich: the Environmental Grantmakers Association. If you like EPA, you'll love EGA

|2014-08-07T00:10:41-04:00August 6th, 2014|4 Comments

Wyoming ranchers sue Western Watersheds Project for trespassing

Wyoming ranchers are suing the Western Watersheds Project for trespassing for gathering water samples on private and state land without permission. WWP's stated mission is to rid public lands of all grazing leases. Writer Ron Arnold says their activities constitute "rural cleansing."

|2014-08-05T09:59:13-04:00August 1st, 2014|5 Comments

Overreaching federal government makes strong men weak

Long before Obama, the federal government had been conducting a war against farmers and ranchers in the West. Every new action under the Endangered Species Act, every land grab (aka National Monument designation), every effort to introduce predators into lands used for decades, even centuries, to support human activity, is an assault by rich and powerful bullies who despise the simple lifestyle these hard-working people lead. But who will stop this war against the American West?

|2014-07-01T17:27:27-04:00July 1st, 2014|3 Comments

Climate change: less of a scientific agenda and more of a political agenda

In his new book, The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, Canadian climatologist Tim Ball says his profession has been hijacked by a perverse political agenda whose chief backers have as their goal the de-industrialization of America. Maurice Strong, for example, has said that the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse, and that his job was to bring about this collapse. And the Club of Rome agreed that, "The real enemy then is humanity itself." No wonder times are hard!

|2014-06-29T09:48:35-04:00June 25th, 2014|7 Comments

John Holdren in his own (radical) words

"De-develop the United States" and "halt the growth of the Ameri­can population." Though Obama science advisor John Holdren would like to cover them up, here are his own words in their full context. Remember when Obama's EPA rolls out its new power plant regulations Monday.

|2014-06-01T11:12:26-04:00May 31st, 2014|52 Comments

Environmental shakedown through bastardized application of science, policy, and education

Marita Noon explains how the Center for Biological Diversity, a group founded by fired federal employees, has misused the Endangered Species Act to stop development and pocket millions of dollars - and the compliant federal government is not even keeping track of tyhe money it has doled out in legal fees who file friendly lawsuits that are quickly settled to the detriment of citizens.

|2014-05-14T14:59:43-04:00May 14th, 2014|1 Comment

Big Green’s untold billions

Behemoth Big Green outstrips Big Oil in expendable revenue by orders of magnitude — if you know how to follow the money.

|2014-05-21T12:25:49-04:00May 14th, 2014|16 Comments
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