Absurd “loss & damage” policy advances at UN’s Bonn climate summit

Loss and damage is diplomatic code for the idea that the developed countries, especially America, should pay the developing countries for the bad things that they attribute to climate change. This includes pretty much all bad weather, plus the supposed effects of sea level rise, and who knows what else.

|2018-05-10T18:39:27-04:00May 10th, 2018|Comments Off on Absurd “loss & damage” policy advances at UN’s Bonn climate summit

Poor nations demanding cash threatens Paris Agreement

The Climate Home news service puts it this way: "Climate talks in Bonn have been held hostage for more than a week over the issue, as poor countries called for a space to hold the rich to account on their promises."

|2017-11-17T02:36:31-05:00November 17th, 2017|6 Comments

Compensation for other people’s weather inches forward at UN climate summit

In UN-speak it is called simply "loss and damage." This is the unfounded idea that people adversely affected by bad weather are "climate victims" and as such they should be compensated by the developed countries that supposedly caused the weather to be bad.

|2017-11-16T11:21:34-05:00November 16th, 2017|2 Comments

Five rivers of gold to flow from the magical UN COP — not really

The Paris Pact COPs are all about money, not climate.

|2017-11-10T19:04:32-05:00November 10th, 2017|1 Comment

COP 21 agrees on draft climate agreement, divisions remain

Week one of COP 21, the UN climate conference in Paris, concluded with the adoption of a draft “outcome.”

|2015-12-07T06:14:23-05:00December 7th, 2015|16 Comments

BONN Update: “Loss and damage” = climate reparation insurance

Developing nations have developed an insatiable appetite for handouts. To those whom much is given much is taken.

|2015-06-11T23:16:14-04:00June 11th, 2015|4 Comments

WALKOUT! 132 nations led by China walk out of COP 19 over “loss and damage”

China has led a COP 19 walkout by a bloc of 132 developing nations over the "loss and damage," issue bringing one track of the UN climate change summit to a screeching halt. Loss and damage refers to the concept of legal liability on the part of developed nations for natural disasters and other problems experienced by developing nations.  Extensive CFACT coverage of loss and damage here. The hunger strike by Philippine negotiator Yeb Sano over Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda has continued through its tenth day.  Sano's hunger strike has been the most dramatic moment of these negotiations.  Climate campaigners have seized upon [...]

|2013-11-20T11:03:43-05:00November 20th, 2013|5 Comments
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