Deadly “Green” energy hypocrites

At the same time the Greens want government to force us to use inefficient, intermittent wind and solar, and short-range electric vehicles, Green gadflies insist that we source none of the materials here.  They block every mine and well, forcing producers to comply with Green mandates by sourcing the materials and products they demand overseas. 

|2020-08-13T08:41:25-04:00August 11th, 2020|Comments Off on Deadly “Green” energy hypocrites

The staggering human costs of “renewable” energy

Child labor, human rights abuses and deaths are routinely ignored by Greens and Democrats.

|2020-08-13T10:01:48-04:00August 9th, 2020|Comments Off on The staggering human costs of “renewable” energy

Aha! “Renewable energy” is only (kind of) renewable ELECTRICITY

Solar and wind cannot manufacture the thousands of products modern society depends on.

|2020-07-22T22:45:48-04:00July 23rd, 2020|Comments Off on Aha! “Renewable energy” is only (kind of) renewable ELECTRICITY

Time to end subsidies for “renewable” energy

From America's Power: Over $100 billion has already been spent on "renewables" subsidies.  

|2020-07-06T08:09:12-04:00July 6th, 2020|Comments Off on Time to end subsidies for “renewable” energy

Lake Erie wind turbines lethal threat to migratory birds

The Icebreaker Wind project is situated on a north-south flyway for millions of birds that migrate over Lake Erie every spring and fall.

|2020-07-02T07:54:45-04:00July 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on Lake Erie wind turbines lethal threat to migratory birds

Climate dogma is worse than you think

School children are the target of propaganda about saving the planet with alternative energy sources.

|2020-07-01T07:29:07-04:00July 2nd, 2020|Comments Off on Climate dogma is worse than you think

Reporting renewable energy risks

If efficient energy companies must disclose climate-related financial risks, so should renewables.

|2020-07-01T00:06:04-04:00July 1st, 2020|Comments Off on Reporting renewable energy risks

Batteries not a sustainable backup for wind and solar — Part II: Safety, health & cost

We have all witnessed gigantic cost over runs on government projects, but overrunning the cost 8 fold may be a record. We are quite certain of our numbers.

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|2020-06-11T07:46:43-04:00June 12th, 2020|Comments Off on Batteries not a sustainable backup for wind and solar — Part II: Safety, health & cost

It’s time to follow Mexico and pull the plug on “renewables”

The only things ‘inevitable’ about the ‘transition’ to wind and solar are rocketing electricity prices and unstable power grids.

|2020-06-05T09:07:02-04:00June 5th, 2020|Comments Off on It’s time to follow Mexico and pull the plug on “renewables”

Batteries not a sustainable backup for wind and solar — Part I: Environmental Concerns

Batteries must be disposed of every few years, the tonnage of toxins will skyrocket, and so will the costs.

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|2020-06-03T09:26:38-04:00June 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on Batteries not a sustainable backup for wind and solar — Part I: Environmental Concerns

Weaknesses of wind and solar: CO2 is no demon — Part III

ll Wind and Solar Power must be backed up with an equal or greater amount of fossil fuel power running on Standby 100% of the time.

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|2020-06-02T09:18:16-04:00May 30th, 2020|Comments Off on Weaknesses of wind and solar: CO2 is no demon — Part III

Rare earth emergency

China has the ability to quickly strangle the U.S. and the rest of the western world with its near monopoly of rare earths.

|2020-05-26T00:24:23-04:00May 29th, 2020|Comments Off on Rare earth emergency

Weaknesses of wind and solar: When science and reality clash — Part II

All Solar and Wind Power on an Electric Grid Must Be Backed Up With an Equal or Greater Amount of Fossil Fuel Power Running on Standby 100% OF The Time.

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|2020-05-25T08:21:55-04:00May 25th, 2020|Comments Off on Weaknesses of wind and solar: When science and reality clash — Part II

Mexico pulls the plug on “renewables”

Mexico is pulling the plug on subsidy dependent intermittent power from wind and solar that has been driving up the cost of electricity for its financially challenged population.

|2020-05-22T00:12:17-04:00May 22nd, 2020|Comments Off on Mexico pulls the plug on “renewables”

The dark side of renewable electricity

The dark side of renewable wind, solar and biofuel energy is that they are not clean, green, renewable or sustainable, and they are horrifically destructive to vital ecological values that will last for generations to come.

|2020-05-18T22:17:31-04:00May 18th, 2020|Comments Off on The dark side of renewable electricity
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