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American oil faces powerful foes


|2016-06-15T10:02:16-04:00June 13th, 2016|

American oil production is threatened by enemies within and without.

Australia’s John Howard: One religion is enough


|2013-11-19T02:32:27-05:00November 18th, 2013|

In his recent lecture before The Global Warming Foundation in London, former Australian Prime Minister John Howard addresses the "sanctimonious tone" of many to whom global warming has become a "substitute religion." An overriding feature of the debate, he notes, is the constant attempt to intimidate policy makers into following the party line that "the science is settled," when it is not. Rather than try to limit growth, Howard said, economists need to recognize that the world will have up to 2.2 billion new middle class consumers by 2030, and we need to provide goods and services for this emergent class.

The OPEC oil embargo after 40 years!


|2013-10-21T18:07:20-04:00October 21st, 2013|

The 1973 OPEC oil embargo revealed a serious weakness in America's energy and national security, one that has plagued this nation ever since. But fracking, horizontal drilling, and energy diversification that includes natural gas for long-haul trucking and electric vehicles for short-haul, light duty work have turned things around.

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Remembering the 1973 Arab oil embargo


|2013-10-01T13:36:50-04:00September 29th, 2013|

In 1973, America was rocked by a shocking truth. Our nation was not prepared to control its own energy, economic, employment, trade, and revenue destiny. In 2013 we could be poised to repeat mistakes and painful lessons of the past.

Questions for Obama’s Interior, Energy and EPA nominees


|2013-03-13T18:27:22-04:00March 12th, 2013|

The President’s outgoing Energy and Interior Secretaries and EPA Administrator were all highly controversial, divisive figures.. The nominees to replace them have all been called “team players,” in an administration that has been decidedly anti-hydrocarbon and pro-renewable energy. They all have murky track records, and extensive ties to climate alarmist and anti-drilling factions of the environmentalist movement.

Frackophobia: fear that the age of hydrocarbons is not over


|2013-05-03T14:33:12-04:00January 14th, 2013|

Renowned energy expert Robert Bryce: “Over the past six decades, the fracturing process has been used more than 1 million times on American oil and gas wells. If it were as dangerous as the anti-drilling/anti-hydraulic fracturing crowd claims, then hundreds, perhaps thousands, of water wells would have been contaminated by now."

20 great CFACT moments of 2012


|2024-01-29T12:08:31-05:00December 31st, 2012|

In 2012, it seemed CFACT went everywhere, worked flat out and hardly took a breather. Our research was thorough, our spokesmen drove the radicals to distraction, our Collegians kept expanding and it seemed like Climate Depot's Marc Morano lived on television. We aired our 5,000th Just the Facts radio broadcast. We educated, we innovated we reported, we adopted villages, we gathered scientists and scholars and we took the battle to distant shores. When we found closed minds we innovated and even entertained. We put masks on UN delegates to "capture" their CO2. Last year we dropped a British Lord from a plane. This year he flew from a camel. After all, we're CFACT! We'll do anything to share our message of better lives for people and a sparkling clean environment - through freedom. Here are some of our favorite CFACT moments from 2012.

Fractured fairy tales


|2012-11-02T15:46:39-04:00November 2nd, 2012|

Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have boosted shale gas production from zero a few years ago to 10% of all US energy supplies in 2012, observes energy analyst Daniel Yergin. Fracking has also increased US oil production 25% since 2008 – almost all on state and private lands, and in the face of more federal land and resource withdrawals, permitting delays and declining public land production.

Winners and losers energy policies


|2012-10-25T12:15:30-04:00October 18th, 2012|

Governor Mitt Romney strongly supports North American energy independence as the foundation of renewed US employment and prosperity. President Obama is waging war on fossil fuels, job creation, and efforts to end our economic recession and reduce dependence on Middle Eastern and Russian oil.

Real energy for a new American renaissance


|2012-10-25T12:15:30-04:00August 20th, 2012|

America needs more economic growth, domestic manufacturing, jobs – and secure, affordable energy to make those things happen.

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