The looming electricity shortage

Many states in the US are headed for a serious and prolonged shortage of electrical power not seen in decades, driven by rising demand from the artificial intelligence revolution and mandates to adopt green energy.

|2024-05-03T09:32:44-04:00May 4th, 2024|0 Comments

Study finds big blackouts from Biden’s power plant rules

By Isaac Orr and Mitch Rolling: As the four largest regional grid operators said in their report, “hope is not a strategy” when it comes to the nation’s power grid.

|2023-09-18T11:15:32-04:00September 16th, 2023|Comments Off on Study finds big blackouts from Biden’s power plant rules

Winter forecast puts Biden blackouts and long dark winter up for grabs

Now is the winter of our discontent made bitterly bleaker by these Biden blackouts.

|2021-11-22T14:12:08-05:00October 30th, 2021|Comments Off on Winter forecast puts Biden blackouts and long dark winter up for grabs

Media blacks out truth in Texas

Who's behind the false narratives about the Texas blackouts?

|2021-03-13T03:42:58-05:00March 13th, 2021|Comments Off on Media blacks out truth in Texas

California brown-outs illustrate the dystopian outcomes of utopian targets

Power plants with the ability to produce almost 6,000 megawatts, or about 15 percent of the electricity on California’s grid, were reported as being offline when temperatures surged.

|2020-10-12T07:50:41-04:00October 9th, 2020|Comments Off on California brown-outs illustrate the dystopian outcomes of utopian targets

Utopian targets and dystopian outcomes: California brown-outs

All told, power plants with the ability to produce almost 6,000 megawatts, or about 15 percent of the electricity on California’s grid, were reported as being offline when temperatures surged last Friday

|2020-09-10T17:20:55-04:00September 11th, 2020|Comments Off on Utopian targets and dystopian outcomes: California brown-outs

California scapegoating

The really bad news is that these blackouts are going to be an ever-present reality in California for years to come.

|2020-09-10T08:31:22-04:00September 9th, 2020|Comments Off on California scapegoating

The blackouts are coming! The blackouts are coming!

As Paul Revere warned, this emergency is real.

|2020-09-10T08:39:02-04:00September 8th, 2020|Comments Off on The blackouts are coming! The blackouts are coming!

California’s blackouts preview the Green New Deal for America

California is wrecking it's electric grid. A 10-year-old natural gas power plant in California’s Inland Empire is being decommissioned this year — 20 to 30 years earlier than its planned lifespan.

|2020-08-24T17:21:08-04:00August 26th, 2020|Comments Off on California’s blackouts preview the Green New Deal for America

California blackout scapegoating

The really bad news is that these blackouts are going to be an ever-present reality in California for years to come. WATCH NOW

|2020-08-24T17:02:37-04:00August 24th, 2020|Comments Off on California blackout scapegoating

Global warming policies wreaking havoc

Policies imposed by politicians to address purported man-made global warming are worse than fruitless; they are increasingly counter-productive and harmful to ordinary citizens.

|2019-11-03T22:17:58-05:00October 30th, 2019|Comments Off on Global warming policies wreaking havoc

Al Gore praised Australian state plagued by blackouts for ‘leading the world’ in green energy

CFACT is at the "ECOCITY world summit" in Australia. Al Gore is ignoring the main reason behind South Australia’s decision to build battery storage — a massive blackout caused by wind turbines.

|2017-07-12T00:39:15-04:00July 12th, 2017|8 Comments

Brexit’s energy lesson for California, et al.

Unelected radical environmental groups have been dictating California energy and environmental policy for over a decade, and now the state has shuttered its final nuclear power plant -- which alone produces twice the state's total amount of solar energy capacity. Barring a major reversal of policy, Californians should expect blackouts in years to come. That is, unless some bureaucratic overstep ignites a fire in the hearts of Californians.

|2016-06-27T16:03:02-04:00June 27th, 2016|Comments Off on Brexit’s energy lesson for California, et al.

Solar power wrecking CA power grid — blackouts likely

Solar power is causing damage to California’s electrical grid and could lead to blackouts this summer, but the state’s plan to solve the problem is vehemently opposed by The Sierra Club.

|2016-04-06T14:57:51-04:00April 6th, 2016|9 Comments
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