Heavier EV’s not funding California roadways

California Governor Gavin Newsom has mandated no sales of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles after 2035 but appears incapable of acknowledging EV’s currently contribute nothing for road maintenance and repairs.

|2023-04-16T04:04:13-04:00April 18th, 2023|Comments Off on Heavier EV’s not funding California roadways

Europeans May Be Rejecting the EV Kool-Aid

There is a growing revolt across much of Europe against Net Zero mandates in general and electric vehicle mandates in particular.

|2023-04-10T12:37:20-04:00April 13th, 2023|Comments Off on Europeans May Be Rejecting the EV Kool-Aid

WATCH: Founder of Climate Depot on Biden’s war on energy

CFACT's Marc Morano calls out the Biden Administrations energy policies and their plans to push you into an electric vehicle.

|2023-04-11T16:02:19-04:00April 12th, 2023|Comments Off on WATCH: Founder of Climate Depot on Biden’s war on energy

‘Sustainable’ electric cars junked over minor damage

By John Hugh DeMastri: Insurers often total EVs as batteries can cost over $10,000 to replace.

|2023-03-21T23:44:22-04:00March 25th, 2023|Comments Off on ‘Sustainable’ electric cars junked over minor damage

Battery Electric Vehicles are not the answer

It’s nearly impossible for the United States to increase the capacity of its electric grid to accommodate 250 million BEVs.

|2023-03-06T11:41:56-05:00March 9th, 2023|Comments Off on Battery Electric Vehicles are not the answer

What’s wrong with electric vehicles? Everything.

Feel good about your EV? They are regressive, exploitative & harmful to the planet

|2023-02-19T18:47:24-05:00February 15th, 2023|Comments Off on What’s wrong with electric vehicles? Everything.

EVs are designed for ChatGPT – Not “carbon units”

Carbon-based life forms have declared war on carbon.

|2023-02-13T13:26:53-05:00February 13th, 2023|Comments Off on EVs are designed for ChatGPT – Not “carbon units”

Are electric vehicle charging stations really worth taxpayer money?”

A gas pump serves five times as many customers for one-fifth of the capital cost of a high-speed charger.

|2023-02-06T17:34:53-05:00February 9th, 2023|Comments Off on Are electric vehicle charging stations really worth taxpayer money?”

Washington Governor Jay Inslee mandates an all-electric state

Breezes and sunshine to charge Inslee’s EV’s

|2023-02-06T17:23:13-05:00February 7th, 2023|Comments Off on Washington Governor Jay Inslee mandates an all-electric state

Electric Cars: Square peg, round hole

“What is clear is that electrification is a technology chosen by politicians, not by industry.”

|2023-01-25T00:32:37-05:00January 25th, 2023|Comments Off on Electric Cars: Square peg, round hole

To protect ‘the children,’ add warning labels on EVs

Evidence exists that the scarier the label, the more effective it is in changing behavior. So maybe any cobalt warning labels on EVs should include photos of mutilated Congolese children.

|2022-11-12T22:44:14-05:00November 13th, 2022|Comments Off on To protect ‘the children,’ add warning labels on EVs

Automobile industry mandated toward a death spiral

Zero emissions at ANY COST seems to be the direction being mandated by governments and the Environmental, Social and Governance movements around the world, to divest in fossil fuels.

|2022-09-12T09:16:55-04:00September 10th, 2022|Comments Off on Automobile industry mandated toward a death spiral

Green Raw Deal: NC unleashes eminent domain on homes and businesses to make way for EV factory

NC will use eminent domain to buy and destroy 27 homes, five businesses, and will move a Baptist church to clear a path for a Vietnamese EV startup, VinFast.

|2022-09-06T11:25:09-04:00September 5th, 2022|Comments Off on Green Raw Deal: NC unleashes eminent domain on homes and businesses to make way for EV factory

CA plan to ban gas vehicles drives dependence on China

If about a dozen other uber-liberal states follow their lead, California’s restrictions would apply to about a third of all vehicles sold in 2035.

|2022-09-02T14:43:35-04:00September 2nd, 2022|Comments Off on CA plan to ban gas vehicles drives dependence on China

“Inflation Reduction” Act will hinder EV growth

Dependance on lithium mining in America to qualify for subsidies, will further negatively impact the lithium supply chain for batteries and stagnate the mandated transition to EVs.

|2022-08-25T13:40:55-04:00August 24th, 2022|Comments Off on “Inflation Reduction” Act will hinder EV growth
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