Sustainability of the firm

Aggressive environmentalists in government and the non-profit sectors have successfully pressured many firms to endorse positions that make no sense for their shareholders. Appeasing activists is a short-sighted play.

|2017-03-21T12:43:38-04:00March 20th, 2017|12 Comments

Trump wants to slash EPA’s budget to the lowest level in 40 years

President Donald Trump will recommend cutting the EPA budget 31 percent.

|2017-03-16T08:44:43-04:00March 16th, 2017|1 Comment

Those ‘devastating’ EPA reductions

As CFACT Senior Policy Analyst Paul Driessen explains, the EPA became bloated, incompetent, and derelict in its fundamental duties largely because it became ideological, politicized, and determined to control what it was never intended to regulate. When states, industries, or experts raised questions about the EPA’s “CO2 endangerment” decision, its biased and dishonest “social cost of carbon” analysis, or its use of “secret science” and highly suspect computer models to justify “climate chaos” claims – the agency railed about “intimidation” and “interference” with its mandate to “protect public health and welfare.”

|2017-03-11T20:27:38-05:00March 11th, 2017|15 Comments

Trump orders EPA to ‘zero out’ global warming programs

The White House is pushing for significant cuts to EPA programs and staff levels, giving a glimpse of how the Trump administration plans on devolving more control to the states.

|2017-03-03T19:35:57-05:00March 3rd, 2017|30 Comments

Trump orders roll back of EPA’s WOTUS rule

President Donald Trump signed an executive order targeting a major Obama-era policy expanding federal authority over bodies of water. “Let’s start hiring those people, fellas,” Trump said before signing the order while surrounded by federal lawmakers and county officials. Trump ordered federal agencies to make sure “waters are kept free from pollution, while at the same time promoting economic growth, minimizing regulatory uncertainty” and respecting the role of states and Congress. Trump also ordered agencies to define “navigable waters” in a “manner consistent with the opinion of Justice Antonin Scalia in Rapanos v. United States” — a more narrow interpretation of [...]

|2017-03-01T09:04:47-05:00March 1st, 2017|8 Comments

GIGO-based energy and climate policies

Yety another new "study" promises global disasters of biblical proportions if the U.S. does not unilaterally stop using fossil fuels (and indeed, must subsidize fossil fuels in India and China). But CFACT Senior Policy Advisor Paul Driessen exposes the buffoonery of the so-called Expert Market report - the latest in a long series of computer-driven fake reports that are crafted solely with the intent to frighten people into submission and never matching predictions with actual recorded data.

|2017-03-07T03:11:20-05:00February 27th, 2017|Comments Off on GIGO-based energy and climate policies

Trump will issue executive orders to dismantle Obama’s ‘Climate Action Plan’

President Donald Trump will order EPA to begin dismantling a regulation central to former President Barack Obama’s plan to fight global warming. Trump will issue a second order instructing the EPA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rewrite the “Waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) rule.

|2017-02-23T08:13:10-05:00February 22nd, 2017|2 Comments

Scott Pruitt EPA swamp-draining fear brings crocodile tears

Last Friday’s 56-42 Senate vote confirmation of Scott Pruitt as top EPA administrator brings a very unwelcome political climate change for many of the agency’s 15,000 federal career employees and their executive branch-appointed bosses who fought his approval tooth and claw. Referring to their aggressive and defiant letter-writing and telephone campaign protesting Pruitt’s appointment, Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University Director James Thurber told the New York Times, “It is rare…I can’t think of any other time when people in the bureaucracy have done this.” The vast majority of those protesters are Civil Service employees who can’t be [...]

|2017-02-21T14:28:34-05:00February 21st, 2017|14 Comments

Whistleblower links NOAA study to climate treaty agendas

Former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientist Dr. John Bates has gone on record that the organization knowingly released "unverified" global temperature data in violation of rules on scientific integrity which Bates had received a 2014 U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal for devising.

|2017-02-13T17:26:04-05:00February 13th, 2017|4 Comments

Trump EPA pick’s confirmation hearing went exactly as you’d expect

Scott Pruitt withstood a withering Green barrage while remaining steadfast in his view the EPA needs to be reined in and “cooperative federalism” restored.

|2017-01-18T15:10:35-05:00January 18th, 2017|1 Comment

New EPA head a welcome political climate change

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, President-Elect Trump's pick to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is being painted by fearful leftists as a monster, a creature who will destroy the planet. The fact is he is much more interested in reversing the unconstitutional power grabs that the EPA has accomplished that are hurting the American people financially, reducing human freedom, and doing little to really protect the environment.

|2016-12-19T12:27:59-05:00December 19th, 2016|1 Comment

Swamp draining will expose corrupt climate crocodiles

One of the biggest areas of change in government behavior under the Trump Administration may well be the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -- where Scott Pruitt intends to return the agency to reliance on sound science that balances costs and benefits.

|2016-12-12T13:23:33-05:00December 12th, 2016|53 Comments

Sea level rise – or land subsidence?

New research by Dr. Roger Bezdek shows that excessive groundwater pumping, not manmade "global warming," is the primary cause of subsidence in coastal areas studied -- subsidence that gives the false appearance of sea level rise. The best way to protect these coastal lands is to stop or sharply curtail groundwater pumping that collapses water tables and leads all too often to saltwater intrusion.

|2016-12-10T18:12:39-05:00December 10th, 2016|143 Comments

Dems plotting to block Trump’s EPA pick

Democratic lawmakers are planning a confirmation battle over President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. It probably won't work.

|2016-12-09T17:51:10-05:00December 9th, 2016|17 Comments

Scott Pruitt tapped to reform EPA

Scott Pruitt's principled stands as Oklahoma's Attorney General against such follies as Obama's misnamed "Clean Power Plan" and his reasoned skepticism of climate alarmism indicate he knows the difference between radical Green ideology and genuine environmentalism.

|2016-12-08T12:07:43-05:00December 8th, 2016|5 Comments
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