Climategate 3.0: “Mr. FOIA” says lying elitists are destroying civilization

Mr. FOIA denies these absurd allegations in his 3.0 message. “I took what I deemed the most defensible course of action, and would do it again,” he said. “That's right; no conspiracy, no paid hackers, no Big Oil. The Republicans didn't plot this. USA politics is alien to me, neither am I from the U.K. There is life outside the Anglo-American sphere.”

|2013-03-28T18:27:14-04:00March 26th, 2013|Comments Off on Climategate 3.0: “Mr. FOIA” says lying elitists are destroying civilization

Climategate 3.0 “Mr. FOIA’s” full message

Read Mr. FOIA's message. Climategate 3.0 is set to rock the global warming establishment. 220,000 encrypted emails which document what goes on behind the scenes at team global warming are suddenly decrypted and free for the public to view. What they reveal is not pretty. How unsettling. Who is this masked FOIA and how can we thank him?

|2013-03-14T09:52:55-04:00March 14th, 2013|3 Comments

CNN warming debate scratched again. We’ll keep you posted.

First Chavez, now a lion! CNN warming debate scratched again. Like you, we tuned into CNN looking for Round 3 of the global warming debate, but didn't find it. We then found a message from Marc Morano that CNN called at the last minute and felt compelled to switch to a lion attack story. We'll keep you posted.

|2013-03-07T13:30:20-05:00March 6th, 2013|Comments Off on CNN warming debate scratched again. We’ll keep you posted.

Round 3 CNN tonight 9PM ET – Morano debates global warming

RESCHEDULED: CNN tonight at 9 PM Eastern! CFACT's Marc Morano takes on global warming in his third debate on Piers Morgan Tonight.

|2013-03-07T13:28:44-05:00March 5th, 2013|3 Comments

Pictures of CFACT’s D.C. billboard campaign in the field. No global warming for 16 years!

Pictures from the field of CFACT's billboard campaign on the Washington, D.C. beltway. If you can’t count on the media to report, place the facts where they must be seen. Fight propaganda with facts!

|2013-04-15T12:54:47-04:00March 3rd, 2013|2 Comments

State Department Friday release: Keystone XL will have little environmental impact, but create 42,100 U.S. jobs

It's 4:00 on Friday afternoon. Time to release a report with great news for the American economy, but which will leave hard-core enviros spitting, sputtering and gnashing their teeth. The Keystone XL pipeline is all gain, no pain.

|2013-04-23T15:18:54-04:00March 2nd, 2013|4 Comments

Forward the Light Brigade! Speak truth to Green power this Sunday

Would you or a friend like to join us to enlighten the mall, support our energy future and speak truth to Green power?

|2013-02-20T11:07:16-05:00February 14th, 2013|Comments Off on Forward the Light Brigade! Speak truth to Green power this Sunday

Obama: Cap and tax and kill the economy!

Instead of more Solyndras and Chevy Volts, we would prefer the 800,000 barrels of oil a day and the estimated 343,000 new U.S. jobs by 2015 if Keystone XL is allowed to proceed.

|2013-02-20T11:12:23-05:00February 14th, 2013|3 Comments

CFACT billboards challenge Gore & Obama on climate

CFACT's new billboard campaign reminds New York and New Jersey motorists of the folly of attributing hurricane Sandy or other extreme weather events to global warming.

|2013-02-04T10:33:31-05:00February 3rd, 2013|3 Comments

Environmentalist says humans are plague on Earth

David Attenborough, British broadcaster and environmentalist, is at it again, claiming that humans are a plague. According to today's UK Telegraph, Attenborough said, “We are a plague on the Earth."

|2013-03-19T12:30:00-04:00January 22nd, 2013|8 Comments

Car buyers reject electric cars, but Obama won’t quit spending on them

The market has spoken. People don't want unreliable short-range transportation.

|2013-01-18T05:42:59-05:00January 18th, 2013|4 Comments

“Epic” California freeze threatens citrus crop

California citrus growers were up all night trying to save their crops, yet the media sees California's "epic" freeze, along with deadly cold in the nations of the east as normal, while continuing to hype warm days as man made.

|2013-01-13T14:00:01-05:00January 13th, 2013|7 Comments

Fiscal cliff deal extends wind production tax credit one year

The fiscal cliff deal passed first by the Senate, now by the House and headed to the President includes extension of the wind energy production tax credit for one year. America needs sound energy production and sound budget policy in 2013. Extending the production tax credit for wind energy on day one calls Congress's ability to manage either into question.

|2013-01-02T04:00:30-05:00January 2nd, 2013|Comments Off on Fiscal cliff deal extends wind production tax credit one year

20 great CFACT moments of 2012

In 2012, it seemed CFACT went everywhere, worked flat out and hardly took a breather. Our research was thorough, our spokesmen drove the radicals to distraction, our Collegians kept expanding and it seemed like Climate Depot's Marc Morano lived on television. We aired our 5,000th Just the Facts radio broadcast. We educated, we innovated we reported, we adopted villages, we gathered scientists and scholars and we took the battle to distant shores. When we found closed minds we innovated and even entertained. We put masks on UN delegates to "capture" their CO2. Last year we dropped a British Lord from a plane. This year he flew from a camel. After all, we're CFACT! We'll do anything to share our message of better lives for people and a sparkling clean environment - through freedom. Here are some of our favorite CFACT moments from 2012.

|2024-01-29T12:08:31-05:00December 31st, 2012|4 Comments

EPA’s Lisa Jackson resigns

Lisa Jackson, who presided over the promulgation of an explosive growth of regulations at EPA announced today that she is stepping down.

|2012-12-27T12:12:21-05:00December 27th, 2012|3 Comments
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